Half link chains

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No experience of coloured ones, but TBH, half link chains can be a pain. They need to be joined up perfectly, or they are more likely to fail, IME.


Well-Known Member
By the Ching
Thanks for the replies.
I was looking at a coloured chain for the fixed, but the only one in the colour I wanted was this half link one. Not sure whether I liked it or not. If experience said that it was OK I was happy to give it a try.


I used a Gusset Slink half link chain for a while. It was rubbish. It was noisy and stretched at an alarming rate. It lasted about 500 miles before it was fit for the bin. I'l not buy another half link chain in a hurry.


Legendary Member
If you have twice as many links, you're going to have twice the stretch rate, I would have thought. That's why you only need to use one half link.


Legendary Member
Chandler's Ford
Same number of pivot pins surely? and that's what wears out.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Have any of you looked at the design...bends in the chain links......there is the answer.....

They do apparently wear a bit quicker....not much, but if you can't get the tension on a conventional chain then they are the answer. I replace my standard chain every 6 months - they do stretch, but within limits, but you end up moving the wheel back a few mm's.........


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Have any of you looked at the design...bends in the chain links......there is the answer.....

They do apparently wear a bit quicker....not much, but if you can't get the tension on a conventional chain then they are the answer. I replace my standard chain every 6 months - they do stretch, but within limits, but you end up moving the wheel back a few mm's.........


Senior Member
Ipswich, Suffolk
I have a half link chain sitting in the garage waiting to go on. No idea whether it's any good in real life, but on inspection it looks pretty good, if a little on the industrial side.

My chain needs replacing really, but I am inclined to leave the old slightly worn one on until most of the salt has gone from the roads.
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