Halfrauds laughable

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Legendary Member
Do they even stock bikes?


What’s the point
Went to decathlon at Lakeside as going to 7th circle of hell ( Ikea) . Can I buy spokes here at your service area or are they upstairs .

Certainly can here sir what size ..

3 spokes , £1.20 ...


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
Can't be a proper bike shop then if they don't stock spokes.
Reminds me of when I managed a Hobbystores shop for Ripmax. Every year one of the senior directors at head office used to get one his minions to phone around around all the stores pretending to be a customer whilst standing behind them asking for basic modelling items. If you didn't have you were in for an ear bashing.
Not defending them, but why would they? In my 50 years+ of riding a bike I've never needed one.
I doubt if Halfords or indeed many LBS sell bikes with handbuilt wheels now. Even traditional long term dealerships have their truing stands gathering dust in the corner of the workshop.


Can't be a proper bike shop then if they don't stock spokes.
[Star Trek mode engaged] It's a bike shop, but not as you know (or would like ) it Jim.

TBF, Halfords is about the last place I'd go for spokes, wouldn't even remotely expect them to stock them....its just not that kind of shop. Argos sell bikes, Toys R Us sold bikes but they sell what they sell....in a very limited way.

Horses for courses


Halfords are ok for bits and bobs, I usually get bearings from them, they rarely have them in stock, but then I wouldn't expect them to, order stuff like that from the counter, and they arrive a day or so later. Perfectly reasonable.

Spokes I tend to get from justridingalong.
Loch side.
a bike shop that doesn’t stock spokes.

“ we can order them sir”
I'm 100% behind them for not stocking spokes.

A bike shop cannot turn a profit from spokes. There are too many variations and not enough demand. To get an idea of the variations, you need to be a statistician, but I'll try.
2 x colours.
4 x styles (at least). Straight gauge, double butted, Laser/Revolution and bladed.
Lengths in mm increments from 248mm through to 303mm i.e. 55 lengths.

That's 2 x 4 x 55 permutations.

Wholesalers only supply in boxes of 72 or 100.

That excluses proprietary spokes like Ksyrium, Campag, Shimano XT, etc etc.

Customers are fussy and will turn away if you supply even just 1mm out of spec and they will definitely not compromise in colour.

Further, if your bike shop, like Halfords is not really manned by expert mechanics, customers would expect spokes to be fitted in the shop, while they wait. This is not practical.

Smaller shops who turn a profit from mechanical work can perhaps get away with a limited supply but invariably they end up with thousands of pounds of dead stock - 98 x 274mm spokes because someone needed 2.

The only way to do it is to get a spoke threading/cutting machine that costs 2500 pounds and cut spokes on demand, from blank stock. This way you only need a few blanks - straight gauge, silver and black, DB silver and black and Laser silver and black - 6 blanks. But, that doesn't pay unless you do high volumes.

I think is makes perfect business sense not to stock them and help customers by ordering them from a central store as and when necessary.
Loch side.
Evans couldn't sell me bearings. Standard wheel hub bearings. "No call for them."

There is no wheel hub bearing standard. It is a similar story to the spoke game above.

Have a look at the list of hub bearings available from Enduro Bearings (.com, I think) to get a feel for "standard". I bet there's 400 variations in there.
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