Hammered mudguards!!!

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John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Velocidad has them on his Kaffenbach, Punky - see photos here.


New Member
Think they look great but depends slightly what bike you put them on surely? The effect if mounted on my Giant CRS hybrid would be pretty jarring...


£71 at Planet-X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :biggrin: :biggrin: :blush:


Senior hunter
Ignore the usual suspects who put their two-bits in with absolutely no personal experience. Honjo-Koken "hammered" fenders/mudguards are quite simply the best mudguards on the planet.

They are solid, don't rattle (if installed correctly) last indefinitely and are as light as plastic mudguards.

They also make a plain fender that is just as good, but the "hammered" look so beautiful. These Japanese-made fenders are copies of the classic 1930s French mudguards found on the great "constructeur" bikes.

As you see, VO makes a copy that is less expensive. I brought some of those in and they are OK for the price.

My Bleriot sports both Honjos (see installation here) and the very nicely made VO randonneur racks (installation here).


Now, as far as the Bleriot goes: I've been trying to get across to newbies (and racer wanabees alike) that this type of bike is actually what the majority of riders need. It is fast, comfortable and ultimately practical ... not to mention beautiful!

Now you've discovered VO, take a look around at the kind of "randoneusse" cycles we're advocating. Follow some of the links you find at VeloWeb and other advocates of practical bikes. You might end up being at the leading edge of the trend in UK :smile:


Senior hunter
John the Monkey said:
Lovely bike, btw, randochap.

Thanks! It is indeed! I wish everyone could take it for a spin. Not only does it look good; it rides like a dream.

Interestingly, I can wheel this bike into any bike shop -- even the race-centric variety -- and all young the mechanics and sales staff crowd 'round. It's only poseurs on the interwebs that "dis" it.
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