Heart rate zones, perceived effort, help me please! Or..Where's Robert when you need him?!

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Joshua Plumtree

Approaching perfection from a distance.
Went out on a kinda training run yesterday. Took my hrm with me, something I don't normally bother with, but just felt a little curious, so thought I'd give it a go.

So - 40 minutes effort after a warm up (normally do 2x20 but felt like a change).

Here's the thing.,19.6 average for the 40 mins. Maximum heart rate 181 which is about the right number when I last tested it. But average heart rate only 95, which is just a little over half my maximum and puts my effort in zone 1!

I know that can't be right. The perceived effort felt much greater than that and, going home, I had to back off up a hill because of stomach cramp - something that only happens occasionally when I've been working hard and/or sweating copiously.

Please someone, put this daft old fella right!. Am I missing something obvious? Am I interpreting the data correctly?


Swinglish Mountain Goat
Do you have a HR graph we could see, or just an average from a device of some sort...?


A Human Being
If your using a Garmin "soft" strap then it could be the battery going or the strap failing(I've had two fail, now use a polar strap with the garmin HR monitor plugged into it).
Joshua Plumtree

Joshua Plumtree

Approaching perfection from a distance.
It's a wrist watch device so I can't download any data. Ride home was at an average of 17.3 - maximum heart rate 163, average 83, so similar kind of data.
Joshua Plumtree

Joshua Plumtree

Approaching perfection from a distance.
It's an Argos special Kinetik Heart Rate Monitor, so I think you fellas are right - it appears to be useless! :rolleyes: End of thread. :whistle:


North London
As above you can have issues with an expensive monitor too. I'm currently getting rather annoyed at my Garmin HRM and its erratic behaviour. My heart rate was 210 the other day sitting at a set of lights... It was also 130 going up a 15% gradient. I'm not quite that fit :smile:


Parts unknown...baby
Never had a problem with my polar or garmin TBH. ..except when the battery starts to go easy swap and it's good to go again
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