Hello from Cymru (Wales)

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Shwmae (hello)

I'm Bryan from Dyfed & have just taken up cycling.
I bought a Raleigh Lizard All Terrain Bike from the local cycle shop back in July to help get my weight right down & bring my fitness right up. Up to now everything is on track & my aging bike is like my best buddy. It takes me to the gym, general commuting, training, shopping etc. I am absolutely loving every minute of cycling, apart from the odd nutter in a car.

I'm already planing on upgrading either around xmas or early in the new year. Just hope I have decided by then to which discipline I'm going to take up. I guess the money factor will have the finale say.

Primal Scream

Get your rocks off
welcome :welcome: welcome​
Glad to have you aboard.​
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