Hello from Fife

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Senior Member
Hello everyone. Glad to have found a source of inspiration and information. Just took up cycling in the last four weeks. Got a folding mountain bike which will go into the car to transport me to cycle paths. Currently doing 8-14 mile rides 3-5 times a week. Don't do hills, traffic, great distances nor speed just yet!
If you are ever on the Alloa-Dunfermline cycle path and see a middle-aged woman going slowly on a blue bike peching - that'll be me! Hoping it gets easier!


Legendary Member
Hi and ;) there has been a lot of new members from the other side of the border ;)


Bike Fluffer
Welcome to yet another Fifer! :smile: Your distances seem fine to me, more than I was doing when I first started. Keep to the cycle paths if you feel safer on them, you'll soon get more of a feel for the bike and build your confidence.
Welcome from another Fifer (escapee of the Kingdom) :smile:. When I first moved back to Fife, I used the Dunfermline - Clackmannan path quite a bit. As paths go its quite a good one; pity it doesn't really go anywhere though. I used to vary it a bit by going down the path and coming back via the coast. I then started to take the Saline Road and come back on the path, now I just take the road.


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
Hallo and welcome...

numbnuts said:
Hi and :laugh: there has been a lot of new members from the other side of the border :biggrin:

There are a lot of long established members north of the border, ex C+ they came with the BR exodus :smile:

Gerry Attrick

Lincolnshire Mountain Rescue Consultant
Hello hen. Welcome.

Jane Smart

The Queen
Dunfermline Fife
Wow I am a Fifer too, from Dunfermline, been cycling less time than you but loving it. give me a shout if you want to go out any time, i would accompany you.

Welcome to the forum

Jane x

Jane Smart

The Queen
Dunfermline Fife
HLaB said:
Welcome from another Fifer (escapee of the Kingdom) :laugh:. When I first moved back to Fife, I used the Dunfermline - Clackmannan path quite a bit. As paths go its quite a good one; pity it doesn't really go anywhere though. I used to vary it a bit by going down the path and coming back via the coast. I then started to take the Saline Road and come back on the path, now I just take the road.

I was brought up in Saline, but now use that path to Clackmannan alot, a good test, especially coming back it is up hill lol :smile:
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