hello from Glasgow

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Hi there, dunno where to start ;)

Over the last few months i've been getting back into cycling after a couple of years off. Back then i was mountain biker, but now im finding myself spending more and more time on the road and cycle paths rather than on offroad trails etc since i started back. Partly due to getting pissed off with all the rain (or more specifically the mud on the trails) during the 'glorious' summer. .Might eventually make the jump and get myself a road bike but i'm not sure about that yet. I'm a huge fan of watching the grand tours and the classics, but until now i've never really had a desire to have one - largely because of the state of the roads where i live and me being a bit of a useless lazy bum who hates the idea of having to fix punctures fairly regularly!


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
Hallo and welcome, come and join us on the Central Scotland forum ride, we don't care what you ride so long as you do...

P*nct*res shouldn't be a problem so long as you have good tyres and keep them well pumped up...
Hello! :biggrin:

I'm a Glasgow cyclist and I have progressed from hybrid to road bike. I've now done well over 1000 miles in and around Glasgow sometimes on glass strewn roads and I luckily haven't been visited by the p*nct*re fairy yet. If you get some good tyres (I'd recommend Continental Gatorskins 25mm) then deflationary events need not happen often.


Bike Fluffer
:sad: Welcome to the jungle.
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