Hello from Hinckley

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Hinckley, UK
Hello all, I joined yesterday and have had a look around. I must say this looks like a very friendly and helpful place.

I had a triple bypass operation 3 weeks ago and I want to get back into cycling when I can (probably about 3 months or more).

I haven't ridden a bike for about 10 years and haven't done any "serious" riding for over 20 years. I used to do some family/recreational road cycling, including a holiday of Somerset, Devon and Cornwal with wife and children, and the Bath to Hampton Court ride. And when we lived near Bristol I did some mountain biking in the Quantocks, the Forest of Dean and the Ridgeway.

Most of my bikes have been second hand or El Cheapo, so it came as a bit of a shock when I looked in some local shops and saw the prices of new bikes, not to mention the need for a degree in metallurgy to choose one.:blink:

So my plan is to look for a cheap second hand steel bike to start with and use the downtime to make it roadworthy, then move on to a reasonable road bike when I'm ready and I've save up the pennies. The Specialized Secteur has been recommended and would seem to suit my needs, but to be honest I'm not convinced a well set up old steel bike wouldn't be just as good for what I want. Anyway, there'll be plenty of time to consider my options while I get fit enough to ride.^_^


Internet Marketing bod

One of the many great aspects of cycling is that you set your own pace :smile:

All the best for a speedy recovery!


South Liverpool
Hello and :welcome:

A friend of mine had a similar operation (possibly the same) a couple of years ago. He was back running and cycling much quicker than I had expected ( I was shocked to hear he'd even had a bypass). Good luck with your recovery, I realise everyone is different. Time is on your side to spend the upcoming months recovering and planning ahead ;)

I'm not convinced a well set up old steel bike wouldn't be just as good for what I want.^_^
Some would say it's even better :thumbsup: (decent 531 etc. frame rather than "gas-pipe" steel).

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
:welcome: to the forum and wishes for a speedy recovery!
Any bike that goes will take you places :thumbsup:




Hinckley, UK
Well I finally got my bike two weeks ago - I gave up looking for a worthwhile 'vintage' bike and went for the Secteur, I've only done about 15 miles in that time but I'm happy with it so far. I'm finding it hard to look over my right shoulder without wobbling all over the road so I plan my routes to avoid right turns till I get the hang of it again:rolleyes:


Active Member
Hi Mike, good luck with the recovery and getting cycling again. I am looking at upping my game in the hope to prevent such things happening :sad: My partners step dad lives in Hinckley so she knows it well having lived there some years ago. I also try to visit the Leisure centre for the annual scale modelling show.
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