Hello from Northest London!

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Über Member
It's been many years since I last swung my not-quite-middle-aged leg over a saddle, but having found myself unexpectedly having some money left over after the bills were paid last month, I thought : "I know! I'll upgrade my iPad!"

But then, while resting the old iPad on my relentlessly expanding waistline, a small voice in my ear said "Maybe there's something better you could do with the cash..."

So after a couple of weeks of internet trawling and much interrogation of my cycling friends, I made an exploratory visit to Evans in Crouch End last Sunday.

(I get the impression that round these parts, folks would choose the LBS over a chain of stores, but I'd had two friends independently recommend Crouch End, so I figured I'd give it a go.)

Anyway, the knowledgable (and astoundingly tall) Chris spent an hour explaining what had changed since I last bought a bicycle (1988!), and boy am I glad to find that you don't have to fumble around on the bottom tube-y bit (you can tell I'm already up to speed on the technical lingo!), looking for a small lever in order to change gear, while simultaneously praying to the gods of bicycles that you don't shove the lever too far and make the chain come off in an ugly manner.

/gets flashbacks and has to go and lie down in a darkened room for a while

Anyway, after looking at several bikes, I narrowed it down to one that fitted my requirements (and was also the one I liked the look of most (is that a bit shallow, or is that valid bike-choosing criteria?), and then we walked round the shop ticking off the rest of my want list... a rack, panniers, a helmet, hi vis jacket, lock, pump and so on.
Chris then produced a quote with a number that was large-ish, but still just under my self-imposed limit, and I took it home to seek budgetary approval from the management committee, i.e. Mrs Boo.

The upshot being, this Sunday, I shall return to Crouch End and order myself a Specialized Sirrus Elite, and hopefully not too long after that, be venturing out on a bike for the first time in, well, too long!

I'm not getting it for racing, commuting or generally haring about at pace - I just want to get some exercise, get some fresh air, and try and stop using the car for sub-5 mile journeys, hence the rack on the back.

Might see some of you out on the road. I'll be the one pottering along, with yellow panniers and a big smile on my face!




Middle Earth
:welcome: from Scotland
I recently bought a new bike after 7 years on my old one, which hadn't been used for about 6 years!
I mainly bought it so I could get some exercise and get out and about.
Then I joined this place....and I've met some lovely people (in the flesh too) and got some great advice.

I hope you enjoy the new bike!


Über Member
Thanks for the warm welcome!
Nice bunch of people round here...

Ged I

Hi, Good luck with your new bike when you get it. Hopefuly there is the potential for a riding partner to go with you (Mrs) possibly, sometimes we do that and its great if you have a cycle path as you can do side by side and chat as you go along if its wide enough. Would be interesting to here of your rides as you have been out of it for so long.


Über Member
Cheers! Mrs Boo is considering a purchase too.

Well I assume she is, because she's already said 'If I get a rack, will your panniers fit?" and "So could we take the bikes on holiday to Cornwall with us?"

So yes, I think we'll be a two-bike family before too long.


Active Member
Cheers! Mrs Boo is considering a purchase too.

Well I assume she is, because she's already said 'If I get a rack, will your panniers fit?" and "So could we take the bikes on holiday to Cornwall with us?"

So yes, I think we'll be a two-bike family before too long.

Those are definitely "buying signals".

I'm also a newcomer to the forum. My other half has also dusted off her very cherished Raleigh (with a basket on the front) - and no amount of persuasion will convince her that she needs a new bike. She likes her old one and is comfortable riding it.

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