Hello from Ormskirk

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david k

North West
HI Everyone,

I'm David from the land of Wiggo in West Lancashire. Didn't cycle since my teens (now 45), although for the last 5 years I have had a Ridgeback hybrid for summer tow path duty with the kids, bought once upon a time to avoid hiring at CentreParcs. This summer a funny thing happened and all my friends have been driven by herd instinct to get road bikes, and since September I have addicted to my Mekk Poggio 2G on our RTW scheme. I never intended riding to work at the beginning, but now love my opportunities for 14miles each way. Also addicted to cyclemeter on the iphone. Now done 600 miles, including a 100 mile night ride in London. Cyclemeter says thats 32K calories used, and I am 7 Kg lighter and stacks fitter.

Been a bit twitchy as not been out for 3 weeks due to weather, but today its dry and clear, and I am off out for an indulgent 2h.

Can't believe how much I love cycling now


hi, im from st helens
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