Hello from Stirling

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Hello there. I have to admit to being a ‘lurker ’on the site for some time now, having enjoyed reading the posts and absorbing masses of information on current bike tech.

So, how did I end up in the cyber world that is Cycle Chat? Well...

As a kid I had bikes of the Sturmey Archer 3 speed variety, but never got into cycling as an interest in its own right.

When I was a callow youth working with BT, in Glasgow in the 70’s, I had a few, older colleagues who were deeply into cycling and I now wish I had paid more attention to their tales of long leisure runs and competition. All I recall are recurring exotic terms such as bottom brackets, Campag, time trials, tubs, Millar,Hinault, Dales Cycles, Glasgow Wheelers, Ivy Cycling Club etc etc.

However, at that time, and ever since, motorcycling has been my passion and I’m afraid cycling was something I hardly ever considered. In fact the only time I was particularly aware of cycling was when I was out on the motorbike and I’d see lycra clad people on road bikes pounding along the highway. It always struck me, from their expressions of intense concentration that they didn’t seem to be really enjoying what they were doing!

I only rekindled an interest in cycling at the end of last year. I think the trigger was buying a couple of second-hand books from the Oxfam shop here in Stirling. One was ‘French Revolutions’ by Tim Moore and the other was ‘Breaking the Chain’ by Willy Voet. Entertaining and interesting, respectively. I started researching further with the intention of bringing my cycling knowledge up to date but, sadly, this merely resulted in an addiction to the ‘Yehuda Moon and the Kickstand Cyclery’ cartoon strip followed by a daily dose of Bike Snob NYC.

Anyway, all this led to me digging my old bicycle out from under years of accumulated garage junk. Please don’t snort with derision; it’s a 1993 Specialized Hardrock in a rather fetching dark blue/green hue. I guess that in 2011, and perhaps even in 1993, this would be deemed a BSO, but I think it’s great. It still has the original, rather cracked with age, knobbly ‘Crossroads II’ tyres and cheap and cheerful Altus shifters and mechs.

Since exhuming the Hardrock, I’ve been out for only relatively short runs around my local area, the longest of which was about 17 miles so I was in awe of the huge experience on this forum, all the super fitness and tales of epic rides. Feeling a bit like Wayne and Garth in the presence of Alice Cooper, I was reluctant to make the transition from lurker to participant, so I set myself a goal and decided that only after achieving this would I register on the forum.

Ok, it was a modest ambition by Cycle Chat standards; I simply intended to attempt part of the ‘Round the Forth’ route (NCN76). Today, I donned my Lidl cycling top and shorts and, after checking that the OH hadn’t actually injured herself from laughing, set out. For those who know the area, I rode an anti-clockwise circuit on NCN76 from Stirling to Fallin and Cowie, across the Clackmannanshire Bridge,Clackmannan, Alloa, Cambus and back home. 33 miles door to door, average speed (not including stops), a lowly 10mph. Chicken feed, I can hear all you proper cyclists saying, but it meant something special to me and I had fantastic fun doing it. If I can do 33 miles, I guess I can do more.

So here I am. Hi.


Legendary Member
Hi & :welcome: to CC
Hiya Hardrock.

I did my first long ride on the Round the Forth route, about halfway (for me) all the kids in Cowie wanted to race me up the hill, but this spoilsport didn't join in :blush: I knew I still had a fair bit to go. Though I became a hero when I could lift their bikes over a locked fence in the middle of the NCN route.

Anyway I digress, welcome to the forum.


New Member
Please don’t snort with derision; it’s a 1993 Specialized Hardrock in a rather fetching dark blue/green hue. I guess that in 2011, and perhaps even in 1993, this would be deemed a BSO, but I think it’s great. It still has the original, rather cracked with age, knobbly ‘Crossroads II’ tyres

Nobody on here would call a Specialized a BSO - that's really refering to the bikes Tesco and ASDA sell.

Best change those tyres though - they are 18 years old!!!(£10each will buy replacements - all though some on here have tyres as old).

I rode an anti-clockwise circuit on NCN76 from Stirling to Fallin and Cowie, across the Clackmannanshire Bridge,Clackmannan, Alloa, Cambus and back home. 33 miles door to door, average speed (not including stops), a lowly 10mph. Chicken feed, I can hear all you proper cyclists saying, but it meant something special to me and I had fantastic fun doing it. If I can do 33 miles, I guess I can do more.
So here I am. Hi.

I know that road well - well done!!! :thumbsup:

Oh and Welcome to the CC Forums by the way!!! :hello:


Legendary Member
Welcome Hardrock :smile: from another exBT.

Now that you have signed up to CC you can deduct the CC Allowance of 20% from your times , like everyone else does around here, and...............you say you had a SA 3 speed?:ohmy: Sounds as if you might just qualify for the age allowance as well.:biggrin:

Paladin - York

New Member
Thanks for the reminder snorri, my Age Allowance kicked in 6th April 2011.

Oh! By the way, Feasgar math & welcome to Hardrock93.


Cycling is fun ...
Welcome Hardrock & congratulations on your 33 miles! :bicycle:

Glad to see you took the plunge and joined CC! There are quite a few of us in your vicinity, so say hi if you see anybody in CC kit on your rides ... and/or join in when we get round to organising CC Ecosse rides again.

If you haven't discovered CC Ecosse yet, look out for epic tales in the "informal rides" section, and any new rides about to take place. The last one is a wee while ago now, you'll have to go back a page or 2 :blush: , or do a search. Looking forward to seeing you on a ride some time soon!



Thanks for the welcome, folks. Can't remember how I stumbled across Cycle Chat but I expect it was a Google search along the lines of 'font of all cycling knowledge, and friendly with it'.

HLaB - that wee hill into Cowie, from Fallin, certainly gave my legs a work out. More practice needed. The streets leading up to the castle might be a good work out.

Bauldbairn - yes, I think new tyres are in order. A max pressure of 80psi is stated on the sidewalls and I would have gone for this as most of my ride was on roads but, given their vintage, I chickened out at 65! Pity, I reckon the bike has travelled less than 250 miles since new.

Snorri - yeah, I'm trying to convince myself that, at 55, it's not too late to get into cycling.

Telemark - I'll check out CC Ecosse, thanks.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Hello from Dumbarton.

In fact the only time I was particularly aware of cycling was when I was out on the motorbike and I’d see lycra clad people on road bikes pounding along the highway. It always struck me, from their expressions of intense concentration that they didn’t seem to be really enjoying what they were doing!

Enjoy?? ENJOY??!! You are not meant to actually ENJOY it, and if you are, then you obviously need to pedal harder!!

Think of your national Calvanist heritage man!!:biggrin:

Anyway, all this led to me digging my old bicycle out from under years of accumulated garage junk. Please don’t snort with derision; it’s a 1993 Specialized Hardrock in a rather fetching dark blue/green hue. I guess that in 2011, and perhaps even in 1993, this would be deemed a BSO, but I think it’s great. It still has the original, rather cracked with age, knobbly ‘Crossroads II’ tyres and cheap and cheerful Altus shifters and mechs.

Oh there is a lot of appreciation in the older bikes, and anyway, if it had been a BSO, then it would probably would only be a pile of rust by now.

Feeling a bit like Wayne and Garth in the presence of Alice Cooper,

That's what I feel like at the rowing club. On the bike however, I think I would only give a **** about what others thought about me if I somehow got caught up in the Tour De France or similar.

Ok, it was a modest ambition by Cycle Chat standards; I simply intended to attempt part of the ‘Round the Forth’ route (NCN76). Today, I donned my Lidl cycling top and shorts and, after checking that the OH hadn’t actually injured herself from laughing, set out.

I remember the first time I ever donned a cycling jersey (I have never been able to bring myself to inflict shorts on my fellow human beens), and my folks said

'Oh no, you aren't going to turn into one of THEM are you??':rolleyes::biggrin:

33 miles door to door, average speed (not including stops), a lowly 10mph. Chicken feed, I can hear all you proper cyclists saying, but it meant something special to me and I had fantastic fun doing it. If I can do 33 miles, I guess I can do more.
So here I am. Hi.
Not at all, doing it for the first time, whilst riding on an old and (probably heavy) bike with knobbly tyres (which will help slow you down), I'd say well done!

Keep going, you are doing great!


Ta for the kind words and encouragement, MDB.

Looks like there is a major campaign starting in Stirling with the aim of getting people onto bikes. I'll post some details in General Cycling.


Bike Fluffer
Hello from a fellow Stirling resident! I'm probably one of the people you see "not enjoying themselves" :biggrin: but I am really! Someone mentioned this before so I always intend to put on a cheery face as I'm pounding the pedals.

Check out Stirling Bike Club, they've got a great development ride (first Saturday of the month) and the club is really friendly. The Carbon Neutral Stirling info has already been posted on the club website. :thumbsup:
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