Hello from York!

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I've been lurking on this site for quite a while now and have found lots of useful information, so thought it was high time to come out of the woodwork.

I started cycling last August, having not been on a bike for about 15 years. At first I had no intention of venturing off the local cycle paths, but found that rather restricting and ended up braving the roads (I don't drive, so it's been a learning curve!). I haven't cycled much at all over the winter, but went on my first "real" ride of the year, ~30 miles on Sunday and am looking forward to more. I've also recently started commuting by bike - only about 1.5 miles each way but there's a big hill...

I currently have an early 90s Raleigh Pioneer, with a basket on the front :biggrin:, which I use for everything. I've also got another, different, Raleigh Pioneer which is currently in pieces in the back yard.

I'd love to do some touring in the future, even if only on a small scale. I'm hoping to fix bike #2 (the one in pieces) for this purpose as it seems more suitable than the other one, but the cantilever brakes have flummoxed me and I've managed to lose one of the nuts during a recent house move so it's probably going to be one for the bike shop. Either that or it's time for bike #3...:biggrin:

Anyway, enough rambling for now - looking forward to joining in a bit more in the future!
Welcome aboard p!
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