Help & Advice Needed...

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Senior Member
I have got a 117 mile ride from Bristol to London on 25th August... In one day

I have done 54, 56, and 65 before with feeling a bit tired...

How do I prepare for this food and drink wise. Don't want to use gels...

Also hills? when I come to a steep hill up is it best to stay seated or climb out of the seat?

Do I need a week of eating etc

All help great fully received


Legendary Member
Good breakfast of porridge and banana. Jelly babies, malt loaf, crisps for salt, cake, loads of fluids and take it steady.

Steep hills, I stay seated, or get off and walk :whistle:

I would suggest that you do eat the week before or you'll be hungry, although probably not dead :biggrin: but you don't want to gain weight. Eat normally

You've got 2 weeks to train, get out and ride more


Man or Moose!
How steep is steep? If your definition of steep equates with my definition of steep, then sitting down the whole way is not really an option! But in situations where sitting down for much of the way is possible, do it. Nothing wrong with brief jaunts out of the saddle though!

TBH, just take your time, eat little and often, you will be fine!


I did Bristol to Uxbridge (107 miles) following the A4 all the way. The hills between Bath and Newbury were the hardest bit for me. I found sitting and using the smallest gear I have the best way of climbing those goliaths. Get lots of hill climbing practice in if you can.
The day before we loaded up on carbs and did no riding at all. Two days before was an easy 10 mile pootle and check the bike over.
Lots of water, with a salt tab thrown into 2 of them. Again we were lucky to have a support vehicle topping up our water, holding spares and proper food.
Still kept grenola bars, jelly babies, banana and a gel in our back pockets as we didn't see the car for 2 hours at some stages.
You have done some good distance riding, apply the lessons learnt on those to fuel your big ride


Über Member
Don't try to race up hills. Drop to a gear where you can keep pedalling around 80 rpm and get into a rhythm. A good breakfast (porridge) is essential. I survived the London100 on gels. If you prefer not to use them there are lts of options. Flapjacks, fig rolls, jelly babies etc. little and often is a good approach. Something every 30 mins works for me.

Make sure you drink enough. I try to drink a bottle per hr. I use electrolyte tabs ( high5 zero) in the bottles.

Try to do an 80 mile ride this weekend then ease off the training. Use the ride to test your food and drink intake.

Have a great day and enjoy it. :smile:
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