Hi from Barnard Castle

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Hi there. I have been lurking on these forums for a while now and I have finally decided to take the plunge and contribute. I am a runner at heart but injuries have now pushed me towards the bike as my main sport. I got my bike in 2003 (Giant TCR1) to get in to Triathlon. Unfortunately this was the time when running injuries really started to hit. Over the years I just got my bike out for long hilly rides about 5 to 8 rides a year and I don't know if it is that I am competitive and kind of time trial all my rides, but I could never say I really enjoyed it. I love running fells, but hills on a bike (and I am surrounded by them) are something else all together!!!

Anyway, after years of physio and surgery I decided that the bike had to come first now as I can stay injury free(calf) on the bike. I started last year just after the Tour , lol, and I am now a cyclist. I am going in to my LBS tomorrow to order my new bike - A Trek 5.2 Domane. This year I want to do some challenging Sportif's and I plan to ride from Pau in France to Santiago De Compestella , fully supported, no paniers etc for a once in a life time 4 -6 week trip.

I am a young 51 and definitely a novice rider and I am looking to learn a lot from you experienced guys.

See you in the Forums^_^


Oaf on a Bike
Welcome :cheers:

There's also a general thread for runners (of all abilities) including some crazy fell running over here: http://www.cyclechat.net/threads/any-runners-on-here.110181/


good choice!

Im 51 and got a 5.2 late last year.

wonderfully comfortable, and great on hills

did my first 100km on it last weekend

ps, welcome to the forum

Biker Joe

Über Member
Hi and :welcome:
I wish you all the best with your lovely new bike. Superb!
Good to hear your physio and surgery have been successful.
Your goals for this year are admirable and I hope you will get loads of fun, enjoyment and excitement from them.
Please keep us informed as to your progress.
Best wishes.


Hard of hearing..I said Herd of Herring..oh FFS..
County Durham
Welcome to a fellow woollyback...I was born and raised (off and on) in Stainton Grove when it was still the home of the Artillery....some lovely loops around there especially heading down past Tan Hill into Swaledale


Über Member
:welcome: to the forum
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