Hi from London, and new charity fundraising idea for everyone

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James Morley

Hi, I've been cycling since I was young (the images below show me at Welwyn Track and on a tandem with my family) but after a brush with cancer last year I've been inspired to take a year out from my day job to develop a new charity fundraising idea. I'm looking for your support!

If nothing else, please can I ask you to go and vote for me on Spogo's 'Can digital get you physical?' challenge? The most popular idea can get up to £10,000 of funding. Just head to http://spogo.ideascale.com/a/dtd/A-Penny-Per-Mile-making-every-mile-count/248557-19325 and click 'I Agree'

The idea behind A Penny Per Mile is simple, and came to me whilst out on my first bike ride this year, eight weeks after having had my prostate taken out. It's open to anyone, doing any activity. You sign up, set yourself a monthly mileage target, choose whatever charity you want, and then get your friends and family to sponsor you. The only bit left is to get off your backside and do those miles, but what better incentive do you need to go for a run or hop on the bike when you know that every mile you do is going to your chosen good cause? And you don't have to run a marathon or cycle Land's End to John O'Groats, you can make even the simplest things count, like choosing to ride the bike to work instead of taking the car.

What I'm looking for and where I hope fellow cyclists can help is:

- as much promotion of the idea as possible, sharing a link to www.apennypermile.com via Twitter, Facebook, forums like this, through their clubs, email etc
- people to let me know what they think, preferably via my survey at www.apennypermile.com/blog/2012/10/18/help-us-fill-in-our-simple-survey/
- financial support to get the site fully up and running and to sustain it, possibly in the form of a commercial sponsor (although I am also exploring grants and other funding opportunities)
- getting one or more 'celebrity' names to endorse the site, and what better way than them simply to signing up to use it?

Thanks in anticipation!


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