How do you know when a race tyre is worn and needs replacing?

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New Member
I have michelin pro grip tyres. How will I know when I need to replace them as they don't have any tread?


Legendary Member
If there are any obvious cuts, bulges or any other damage or if they are worn so thin that they puncture repeatedly.

Bill Gates

West Sussex
zsadiq1 said:
I have michelin pro grip tyres. How will I know when I need to replace them as they don't have any tread?

If you look at the profile of the tyre inflated on the wheel then you can tell the amount of wear by how flat the top of the tyre is. Compare the front and the rear and you will see that the rear will have worn away considerably more than the front. Check any cuts with a small flat head screw driver to see the depth of tyre remaining.

If they are worn too much then as has been said you will be prone to punctures.


New Member
Roughly how many miles would you be able to get out of a, for example, michelin pro grip tyre (I know it depends upon how you ride your racing bike hence the rough estimate).


Legendary Member
wyno70 said:
I go with the 'when you are getting more punctures than you should do' approach!
The trouble with that approach is that if you are lucky with the punctures, you can find yourself 40 miles from home on a Sunday ride, looking at a tyre that's suddenly gone all furry (BTDTGTTS).

Possible indicators:-
The flat profile (on the back tyre mostly)
Some otherwise slick tyres have a couple of little (1-2mm) circular pits in the rubber when new, that vanish as the rubber wears away. Can't remember the brand.
Some tyres have a different colour of rubber between the main tread and the threads.
Sometimes you can see the threads of the tyre body through the last of the rubber, as a slight ridging on the surface.

Otherwise, it's take the tyre partly off so you can feel the remaining thickness between your finger and thumb.

For a very approximate guess, I'd say about 2000 miles for a rear tyre, and 6000 for a front one.
Would it be a case of, when you get the bike go out with a speedo and try braking at a specific speed. Do the same test after you've been riding it a lot and if it doesn't feel safe then maybe you need to replace it?


zsadiq1 said:
Roughly how many miles would you be able to get out of a, for example, michelin pro grip tyre (I know it depends upon how you ride your racing bike hence the rough estimate).
700X23 tyres seem to last about 4000 ks, but as several people have already mentioned it's best to ditch the rear tyre when it's completely flattened off, replace it with the tyre off the front and replace that with a new tyre and so on and so on.
The issue of cycle tyres is very much aligned with those of the motor cycle and in some aspects the motor car,however I don't too date know of anyone that has been nicked for low tread or bald tyres on a pedal cycle!!. If the tyres are correctly inflated the one which is load bearing(the one under your *rs*)is at a slightly higher pressure than the front one and they are swapped from front to back then you can maximise the usable life,a tyre that is inflated harder than softer will resist punctures better.The harder the tyre the smaller/narrower the footprint and therefore the flatspot will wear through more central of the tyre tread width than on a softer tyre.The evidence of the need to have changed the tyre/tyres is when you are nursing Macadam Rash and trying to prove the point yet again for shaving the legs and the arms.Safe & Happy Riding to you All(on adequate rubber).


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
harry dunn said:
iF U CAN SEE THE CANVAS UNDER THE RUBBER ...get new ones quick unless your other hobbie is walking.

This is the approach used by my LBS owner who is a competitive road and TT cyclist.


usaully too may flats, they defo get a look when knackered, kind of tired and roughed up

and canvas is a defo red flag to go to the nearest shop at once, i tried to see out a week not too long ago with a tyre showing canvas, never again, I was very rapidly trying to patch up a tyre with a hole I could put a finger right through
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