- Location
- Glasgow
Scottish, you mean?I can only speak English

Could be that you speak English too, but I've never heard you speaking it

Scottish, you mean?I can only speak English
In all honesty I can only claim the one.
I should be better at languages than I am; it was always my strength at school and I find languages interesting. I just don't have the time/opportunity/perseverance to learn them properly.
I was reasonable at French but pretty rusty now. I can still do the sentence structure but I forget the words. For the last few years I've been dabbling at learning Dutch, and I can do a bit, but probably not to the level where I could hold a conversation in it. Doesn't help that the buggers insist on speaking English because their English is way better than my Dutch! I was told by a Dutchman (in Berlin, somewhat ironically) last year that my Dutch was passable. "You have a bit of an accent but it's understandable". I'll take that as a win.
I've never learned German other than a few words, but I find that learning Dutch has scuppered any attempts I might make to speak German, because I can't help but pronounce the words Dutchly.
My strengths in foreign languages are I would say, in descending order, reading, speaking, writing, listening. I feel like with full immersion in the language I would get better at the listening but with only occasional exposure to it I struggle. I've tried watching TV in those languages but again I don't have the perseverance I'm afraid.
Oh and I can say "my hovercraft is full of eels" in Hungarian.