How much do you cycle per week?

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Hip Priest

Between 70-100 miles per weeks. Sometimes more in summer. Sometimes less due to holidays, illness, ice & snow...etc


From the look of that thats all he does, except for eating and sleeping.
And working full time!
But to be fair there is precious little else to concen myself with in my life :thumbsup:
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Flim Flormally
At the moment about 100km per week (2x 40km commute and 20 or so bimbling around town. Come the good weather again it'll be about 300km a week.

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
This year I've averaged about 190 miles a week, which is also my average over the last 4 years. Now if only my legs would stop aching 24 hours in every day... :rolleyes:.


Perhaps This One.....
I was doing 50 - 70 miles a week, then it all went pear shaped, my legs melted and now I'm recovering at a rate of 10 miles per week, all trainer based:sad:. On the plus side, should be fit for commuting come spring:smile:

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
50 to 70 miles a week, all utilitarian.
Done a lot of pleasure riding in the summer, never kept a tally.
Recording exact milage is a project for next year.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
55 miles weekly commuting, and very roughly 40miles at weekends on average. It stays remarkably constant throughout the year. I miss some miles on holiday, but not usually, and some due to ice on winter commutes, but the slightly longer summer rides balance things out well.
Somewhere just below about 5000 miles p.a., at a guess. I used to obsess about the daily distance stuff, and put it in a spreadsheet every night, but I gave up being an "accountant" a couple of years ago.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
snap - iam the same as you
Have just worked out my average over the whole year to date: 50 miles per week. I think I prefer the peak figures.:giggle:
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