How to cook perfect porridge

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I used to do a little housebreaking (and am not proud of it).

In a wooded area near my home, I broke into a cottage where I found three bowls of porridge.

It's a long story and involves vandalism and a nasty fright from some huge forest fauna, but the upshot is that the middle bowl of porridge was the one closest to what I look for in a healthy breakfast.

It was hot, but not too hot. I think that's the trick. The biggest bowl was too hot and the smallest was too cool. Temperature seems to be critical in this matter and my experience that night would seem to prove it.

I hope I have helped.


Oats, raisins, set honey, ground linseed, milk......Nuke for 1 mintue 30 seconds.
Simple. Oh, it needs to go into a bowl of some sort first! :blush:
Right, I know this thread finished ages ago, but I'd like to throw my haypenneth (?) in....

porridge oats and double the water in a pan, slowly bubbling away, adding cinnamon (quite a lot) and then more cinnamon when it's cooked, give it a stir and open a tin of prunes in apples juice and chuck some of that on. Gorgeous and good for you !


Professional Jelly Baby Decapitator
I love the positive spin of this post, suggesting that, somehow, through the application of good cooking skills porridge can be made into something other than nasty goo in a bowl. It's like saying there are good and bad mushy peas, nope, it still just green sludge.
I agree, cooked porridge is nasty goo. Wallpaper glue. The trick (with porridge) IMHO is not to cook it at all. Mix oatmeal and yoghurt, leave for an hour (or overnight) add sugar or jam or fruit if you like. Not gluey, just yoghurty

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.


Über Member
25% oats 75% milk nuke for 2mins leave to stand for 1min, sugar and eat! perfect every time, used to nuke for 3mins but it used to overflow!


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
No thanks - Co-op Simply Value porridge oats today, 79p for a kilogram bag!
and amazingly... you can just add water*!

*although i prefer half milk half water... and salt. :thumbsup:


I always have a big bowl of porridge before a long ride. However, the other day I did a 60 miler on 4 Shredded Wheat (I'm a big lad) and must admit I felt much better than usual beyond 60 miles. OK, this was not scientific and proves nothing as there are so many other variables and it was a one off because I had run out of porridge. Back to porridge tomorrow for my long ride!


half a cup of oats, half of cup of water, half a cup of milk, pinch of salt. Leave to soak overnight in the fridge, then heat in the microwave for a couple of minutes. Perfect fuel for a bike ride.


Über Member
Oats, add boiled water from kettle, stir well, cover for 5 minutes. Done.

I like to add peanut butter, honey and bananas to mine!


Openly Marxist

I don't know why this is still going on, since I settled the matter years ago.

Pinhead oatmeal, soaked in water overnight. Pinch of salt. Boil, simmer and stir. Cold full-cream milk on top, brown sugar if you like. Certain frivolous occasional additions are permissible (e.g. prunes, whisky, cream, honey); others are not (e.g. cinnamon, bananas, nuts, yoghurt, soya milk).

That is all.
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