How to remove an entry on mycyclelog

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Senior Member
Does anyone know how to remove an entry on mycyclelog, i cant see anything which enables me to.


Bionic Subsonic
Next to the ride on the 'View' tab there is a small dustbin icon. That deletes the ride.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Go to add a ride.
Look at recent rides.
To the left of your most recent ride are 2 small icons in a circle.
1. a small pencil (edit icon)
2: a dustbin (delete icon)

You can also look at View and the same icons will be there.


Bionic Subsonic


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Whoops, snap Mushroom lol

And your stats are much more impressive :blush:
They would be if they weren't in kms! :thumbsup:

I was only looking at the speeds. Don't worry - you'll soon be riding longer distances if you keep riding regularly.

It looks like you are doing a short commute by bike - well, a friend of mine lost loads of weight just doing a commute like that.

I also know an extremely fit CycleChatter (bokonon) who swears that most of his fitness comes from his short commute in Leeds.


Senior Member
Sorted i have adblock plus to stop all the adverts and somehow has inadvertently blocked some of the features on there, ill just have to add a safe entry on it, but thanks guys for the help.
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