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I'm not sure I'd want to be anything with an -ist or an -ism at the end of it.
Why do we feel the need to bag and tag things?

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
I think Humanism is generally a good thing, I also think some form of religious belief is generally a good thing too. My reasoning being that participating in Humanism and/or religion provides a regular reference point for recalibrating one's moral compass. One of the things that participating in my local Church provides is thought, reflection on my actions and behaviours and the opportunity to make amends.
I think that a lot of societies ills are due to selfishness, greed, intolerance etc. and a lack of moral direction and consideration of our fellow humans/living things/planet etc. If humanism is helping to provide that then it can only be a good thing.


Senior Member
ajevans said:
I class myself as a Secular Humanist, and I'm sort of a BHA member (need to setup a DD to pay my membership).

In a nutshell I believe that belief in a deity is irrelevant, it is how you live your life that is important ie you have one life, enjoy it, don't be a nob to others and if you can help people along the way then job's a good 'un.

Absolutely Ajevans,

I fully agree and have just finished an online Philosophy course with Oxford University. My essay assignment was "Does Morality depend on God?". A concept that is realatively esay both to show rationally that it doesn't and ther is also evidence comparing belief in a deity and the level of "dysfunction" in that society. You (and other humanists) may find this interesting:

It is probably reasonably non-controversial in this country at the moment however there is ahuge percentage of the population of the U.S. that believes atheism to be a considerable sin. See this typical rant:

or this:

If we aren't careful we may start to go this way in the U.K.



Smutmaster General
I count myself as an atheist. If (as I have been) countered with the accusation that an absence of a belief leaves a hole to be filled (e.g. by evil thoughts of women in lycra shorts :sad::evil:) I retort that I strongly believe that there is no such thing as a deity/god/creator.
Without wishing to be rude to religious types, I tend to see belief in or need for religion as at best a mild delusion (a la Dawkins) and at worst a psychological illness. However, one experience lead me to never want to undermine or ridicule another's faith....this was when my dad died 23 yrs ago...he had always been a churchgoing catholic, though not that strict an adherent to its finer points:smile:. When he knew he was going to die (he had about 2 months knowing this) he leaned fairly heavily on his god, and it was a comfort and support to him. For that reason, I will always support someone's right to believe, but I do not share that belief myself.
Blimey, it's Saturday morning...where did all that come from?
Laters everyone!


I'm not religious and I've never heard of humanism before but from looking at the wikipedia article on it I'd say I largely agree with it.
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