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Can anyone explain this one to me...

For years I've never understood it: drinking on a hot day isn't good...

Totally senseless.

No beer for me tonight :biggrin:. Mrs P drank what was in the fridge while I was out at the pub last night, selfish woman.

Hmm...that doesn't look too good written down. explanation. She drank my beer because she had forgotten to get herself a bottle of wine.
Actually I was right the first time. Selfish woman.


Legendary Member
But we did notice people having their first fag of the day outside the boozer at quarter past eleven this morning.

Beer Gardens = good

Indoors = not good


Über Member
Rhythm Thief...I agree! A pint (or 2...or 3...) after a long ride on a hot day is one of the greatest pleasures known to Mankind!


I'm kind of with you here yenners. For me, it's one of the signs that summer has arrived in England... shirtless lads outside pubs, going lobster red, pints of lager on the table. Oh, with the transit parked opposite! (Yes, I too can indulge in stereotypes! :thumbsup:)

I have been known to enjoy a cold beer on warm day, but I found one (max, two) would often 'spin me out' and was quite enough for me. These days, I prefer a glass of crisp, cold chardonnay at home in the garden!


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
I think cold beer on a warm day is disgusting but out of solidarity for my hop swilling brethren I've just popped a few in the fridge for later - ooh and a nice rose aussi

Any road up I've done me miles nice and early this morning so have earned this small it too early yet?



Well, the sun had lost its heat when my wife and I turned up for the Edinburgh Nocturne, but it was most pleasant so sit outside in the Grassmarket drinking a nice cold lager watching the races. I think some of the hen and stag parties that normally pub crawl their way around the area were a little bit confused by it all. It was a little surreal to watch a group of 12 hen party women in pink outfits at the barriers cheering one of our club riders - apparently he had nice legs.
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