I got one of those phonecalls you just never get ...

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New Member
What line of work are you in?


New Member
I teach English to German squaddies

blimey...should we be on invasion alert?;)

just kidding...sounds like a good job, certainly in such a nice area.

The day may come soon when we upsticks and relocate to Germany (my wife is German so most of the family are over there)


Andy in Sig said:
My boss rang me up and said that the big boss wants to pay me more! This can be justified by recognising some technical aspects of my job. They also want to backdate this to when I started two years ago! I don't even think there's a catch.

My flabber has never been so ghasted.;)

Through a haze of envy I raise my glass to you, sir!! Well done! :biggrin::smile:
Andy in Sig

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
miloat said:
Dont envy you had a charity event held by the army in our town hall turned into a right piss up and they made a right mess

They're much tamer than the British variety. I've long since come to the conclusion that we Brits are barbarians with a civilised veneer and the Germans are highly civilised with a barbaric veneer.
Andy in Sig said:
I teach English to German squaddies.

John Worsley (a prisoner-of-war and the artist who made the Albert RN mannequin) once recalled a parade ground address by the German commandant who was suspicious of an escape attempt.
'You British think ve Germans know fack nothing,' he said, and, becoming more confident of his linguistic ability, continued; 'but, in fact, you are wrong; ve know fack all!'
Little wonder that the parade ground was covered with prisoners on their backs pi$$ing themselves with laughter! :sad: :wacko:
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