I want one of these

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I used to have one. It was spectacular.

It only worked once - and very briefly.

It was at the end of quite a long ride (not where I'd planned to end it, but I had to compromise).

It flew for (at a guess) about a second or two. I was present but not mounted at the time, as I had very recently dismounted unconventionally.

The landing needed some more work to keep costs down. It seemed to land on both bar ends and both pedals all at once.

I was hurty, but I'm told it was amusing to observe. The motorist (who was present throughout and with whose vehicle I came into kinetic spatial interface during take-off) bore the costs.

I flew too, but on a different bearing and with a lower ceiling.


I don't. It looks as loopy as the Moller Skycar.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Did ET fly with American Airlines, do you know?

It's entirely possible!
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