I wonder if any thieves have tried this?

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Senior Member
Today I had a strange experience. I went to the gym on my bike, left it chained to the bike rack. I finished and came back to collect it. As I was walking away from the rack with my bike, I heard a male voice some distance behind me say 'They're nicking my bike'. There was no-one else in the vicinity of the bike rack. It was probably a joke and some lad trying to be funny to his friends or get my attention. I didn't turn around, but as I rode off I thought, what would happen if a group of people had approached me and tried to pretend that I had stolen his bike? I would have definitely had a few choice words for them, but if I was outnumbered it would not be a pleasant situation.


Legendary Member
Erm... maybe he was trying to chat you up?


"Young and Ex-whippet"
I have marked both my bikes with my postcode (courtesy of police) so if either of them were nicked and found by the police, I could get them back by quoting my postcode when I reported them stolen.
Alternatively, if someone said that I was nicking a bike (difficult as I have the keys for the locks) then I could very easily quote the postcode to prove them wrong.
It is an old trick.

Several years ago I had my bike serviced at a bike shop.

Had a phone call from the shop asking if I could prove the bike was mine!

Apparently they had a guy in the shop claiming it was his bike and that it had been nicked the week before - he wanted it back.

I simply told the shop to call the Police... at which point the other guy had hurriedly left.
Unless you used a twin pack laquer it will wipe off easily with thnners.
I agree - but it takes time - and anything that takes time is more likely to make the tea leaf look elsewhere!


I've got photo's of my bikes and frame numbers on my mobile, so if I'm randomly accused of stealing it I can demonstrate that it was in my posession over year ago.


Über Member
I agree - but it takes time - and anything that takes time is more likely to make the tea leaf look elsewhere!
Sorry but it doesn't take time. Once he's got it [if he's serious] he'll either strip it for parts or give it a quick makeover and sell it. If it's just a yobbo he'll just scratch it off anyway. Time is only usefull in preventing the scum actually taking the bike, ie locks - chains etc. Well worth doing as if it's found it may get you the bike back but it won't have much effect on the "cut and run" brigade or the pro thief.


an easier thing to do is place a piece of paper with your details on inside a few of the components ie bars, saddle stem and seat tube .

along with making a note of frame number etc etc

Someone else mentioned this and it's a great idea. Must remember to do this myself.


One other thing to consider is if the guy is shouting that you are robbing his bike, then ask him where his bike lock is, and for him to explain how you have the keys to the one on the bike.

See what his response is to that :biggrin:
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