If CC were a street

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General cycling would be the hardware shop on the corner
Cafe would be the greasy spoon next to the newsagents
Racing would be Specialist computer shop
Know How the LBS
Commuting the squat at the end of the street
P&L the noisy neighbours

......................................What else and who else?

Night Train

Maker of Things
Cafe would be the greasy spoon next to the newsagents

I see Cafe more as a nice tea shop that does home made cakes and has a range of speciality teas. It would have comfy chairs and some sofas and the tea would be in proper china with the extra pot of hot water.

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
General cycling would be the hardware shop on the corner
Cafe would be the greasy spoon next to the newsagents
Racing would be Specialist computer shop
Know How the LBS
Commuting the squat at the end of the street
P&L the noisy neighbours

......................................What else and who else?

They're being evicted soon ... ;)


They're being evicted soon ... ;)

Replaced by a trendy wine bar


Legendary Member
I'm the super-hippie gansta running the crack house on the corner. And I ain't talking drugs! I'm a bad invisible mother****! Kiss my bad self, yo!

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