"If only I'd known..."

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Legendary Member
What three bits of advice would you give to your younger self, knowing what you've learned since?

For me I think it would be:
  • A lot more salt & pepper than you might think
  • Always simmer mince for at least three hours
  • Let the roast rest for 20 minutes before serving
(Feel free to choose non-cooking advice if you prefer.)


I was right about that saddle
Be nice


Bimbling along ...
  1. Buy a house much sooner
  2. Don't let bullying and put-downs of insecure and inadequate people hold you back
  3. Don't gamble most of your wages away for years (spend it on a house)

rugby bloke

Don't spend all your time at university on the piss ... a good degree is worth the work.
Don't assume all sports injuries will get better with rest,in 30 years they will come back and start hurting again.
Your heart will get broken, get over it.
Those funny moments in your head ? its epilepsy, go and see a doctor.


Heavy Metal Fan
Don't be so concerned with what other people might think of you.
Study for a career in something you like, not what your parents and teachers expect of you.
Punch every bully square in the face, instead of taking it for years and being scared of the repercussions.


Legendary Member
Don't marry a wealthy Greek woman.

Stay in the Army until retirement, and try to get on a O intake.

Stuff what anyone else thinks - don't conform to appease idiots you probably don't like anyway, go to town and really give them something to talk about.


Legendary Member
Have the courage to tell my parents "I WILL NOT stay in that religion"
Buy that house much earlier.
Don't marry so young..............although I still love the woman I married in 1968 :smile:


1. Try not to doubt yourself.
2. You don't deserve to live like this.
3. You can't do it alone, and shouldn't try to.
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