I'm off...

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
No, I'm not defecting back to.. that place. Off to see my sister for a few days, in Winchester. Her first baby is due in about 3 weeks, so I'll be on tenterhooks the whole time, and keeping a big pan of hot towels on the boil (or whatever you are supposed to do..)

So, if any of you are out and about in Winchester and see two ladies, one of whom looks like a bloated whale, and the other of whom is heavily pregnant :blush: , dare you to say hello!

Play nicely while I'm away won't you... :rolleyes:
Arch, have fun and remember its a common local custom to swing the newborn baby round by its heels 3 times immediately after its been born.


Home Counties
Arch said:
Play nicely while I'm away won't you... :laugh:

Last time I said that on C+ I came back from holiday to find a major schism had taken place (caused by over-zealous moderating, oddly enough :rolleyes: ) and almost everyone had jumped ship to Another Cycling Forum over at BikeReader.

Hmm, BikeReader. BikeRadar…

Future trying to cause a bit of confusion there, with their choice of name :thumbsup: , or is the conspiracy theorist in me trying to read too much into the fact that BikeReader was set up by an exiled C+ writer and is now home to all those exiled C+ forummers :blush:


nothing in moderation
well i recognise more C+ exiles here than in acf's memberlist (many of whom are also of this parish).

seems more of a know how forum than a café stop forum, so i guess it's horses for courses.


New Member
derall said:
Another Cycling Forum over at BikeReader.

Hmm, BikeReader. BikeRadar…

Future trying to cause a bit of confusion there, with their choice of name :rolleyes: , or is the conspiracy theorist in me trying to read too much into the fact that BikeReader was set up by an exiled C+ writer and is now home to all those exiled C+ forummers :blush:

I presume it is part of their corporate branding stuff.

They already have gamesradar.com, but looking around the future web site it seems only gamesradar and bikeradar are operational at the moment, so maybe not.


Master of the Inane Comment
Well, I hope that all goes well, and that you will find plenty of time for pampering your sister and the baby.... :blush:

Is she going to cycle to the maternity unit? If so, don't RLJ even if the contractions are only 1 1/2 minutes apart!

PS: my better half thoroughly recommends Entonox (sp?)- a development of the old laughing gas - for giving birth. They don't have it over here, another case of where the Germans are way behind again.


Apparently, well according to James Herriot, births up north invariably involve rolled up sleeves, plenty of soap, and a piece of rope.

You forgot the big rubber glove that goes up to your elbow as well!

:blush: :rolleyes: :thumbsup:


nothing in moderation
Apparently, well according to James Herriot, births up north invariably involve rolled up sleeves, plenty of soap, and a piece of rope.
well when i had to deliver alecetc jr III on the bathroom floor the required items (according to the ambulance control bloke on the speakerphone) were towels (to protect said floor) and a blanket (for little one once hatched). que much headless chicken behaviour on my part. :blush: :rolleyes:
One of the funniest cartoons I ever saw.
Farmer standing at the back end of a cow - on the floor there are buckets of hot water, rope, towels etc - holding a cup of tea. He lifts the tail up, peers at the cow's backside and says 'Cup o'tea, mr herriot?'


N Ireland
Kirstie said:
One of the funniest cartoons I ever saw.
Farmer standing at the back end of a cow - on the floor there are buckets of hot water, rope, towels etc - holding a cup of tea. He lifts the tail up, peers at the cow's backside and says 'Cup o'tea, mr herriot?'


:rolleyes: :thumbsup: :laugh:


Master of the Inane Comment
Kirstie said:
One of the funniest cartoons I ever saw.
Farmer standing at the back end of a cow - on the floor there are buckets of hot water, rope, towels etc - holding a cup of tea. He lifts the tail up, peers at the cow's backside and says 'Cup o'tea, mr herriot?'

No shortage of milk! :rolleyes:


New Member
stephec][quote name= said:
You forgot the big rubber glove that goes up to your elbow as well!

:?: :?: :sad:

And cowshit. But I guess that's just for cows, for humans it'll be...

I'll get me coat.

Best wishes to Arch's sis.
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