I'm starting to get excited...

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Things are coming together for my French holiday this summer. My discount new trike purchase is more or less confirmed, I have a way of getting to Portsmouth sorted, and I've just set up a googlemap with all the expected overnight stops on it. My friends who live over there are planning it all, we non-ex-pats just have to turn up and do the distance each day. On past experience (I've done this twice with them before), everything will be worked out immaculately. We cycle down to their house (they drive up to meet us at Le Havre), near the town of Confolens, have a couple of days there and we all cycle back up to St Malo, all over the course of a fortnight.

Unlike previous years we won't have a sag wagon with us, so it's packing light time - but most of the days are 50ish miles, so not extreme distances, and we should have time for siteseeing along the way. Mind you, 7 of us on recumbents tends to mean we're a sight ourselves!

I'm going to make the effort to find out a bit about our overnight stops, and explore them a bit if I get time, instead of lazing in my hotel room before dinner, flopped on the bed watching French TV. And try to speak more French instead of hiding behind my friends. And perhaps actually get round to writing it up on Crazy Guy afterwards.
Sounds extremely exciting Arch, I'm jealous, only a proper comittment to pictures and write up will save you from withering envy.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Crackle said:
Sounds extremely exciting Arch, I'm jealous, only a proper comittment to pictures and write up will save you from withering envy.

I'm pretty good at taking the pictures - it's making sure I write notes each day I lapse at. But I'm going to really try...

First treat will be riding over the Pont de Normandie, it looks stupendous, and I love bridges.
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