In praise of...........overshoes

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They're Grrrreat!

Just got back from a ride into town. Feet frozen on arrival, so nipped into the bike shop and bought a pair of Altura airstream overshoes, never really seen the need for me to have any before.
Much more pleasant on the way back. I like them. A lot. :smile:


The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
EEssential at this time of year!


Hyper-Fast Recumbent Riding Member.
I wear squash trainers as they're ideal for cycling. I bought some cheapo overshoes from ebay. They do keep the feet warm, but aren't 100& waterproof, and I've found that they aren't any warmer than my old solution. Bread bags over the socks before putting the trainers on. Works fine, and take up no space and add no weight. Just remember to take the bread out first!


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester

Even the cheap Aldi ones are great..... - they keep wind chill off, they aren't waterproof, but it saves me using my BBB Hardwear Water Proof nasties that cost too much.........they cost £30 plus, but are waterproof............

Very essential kit - not just keeping feet warm.........

Waterproof ones stop water getting in and rotting shoes, at worse or minimum...making shoes smell like the local abattoir.............. Hence I use my waterproof stuff lots..........

Use em......... nice fitting shoes are hard to find............. look after them..............


I won a pair of Gore overshoes on ebay....wore them only once and they're brilliant! My feet felt cold the last few weeks, not surprisingly as my shoes were designed with mesh to cool the feet down on normal conditions, but in winter - chilly purgatory. Even wearing two pairs of socks didn't help, but bloody hell, those overshoes....
What a difference.


West Midlands

Even the cheap Aldi ones are great..... - they keep wind chill off, they aren't waterproof, but it saves me using my BBB Hardwear Water Proof nasties that cost too much.........they cost £30 plus, but are waterproof............

Very essential kit - not just keeping feet warm.........

Waterproof ones stop water getting in and rotting shoes, at worse or minimum...making shoes smell like the local abattoir.............. Hence I use my waterproof stuff lots..........

Use em......... nice fitting shoes are hard to find............. look after them..............

BBB Hardwears are on Ebay at the mo for £18.95 with free Delivery.


Velo, boulot, dodo
I've been wearing overshoes so long I forgot why. Last December I went out with the intention of doing a nice 100k one Sunday and forgot to put them on.


It was really painful. I didn't manage 100k either, couldn't bear it long enough. Still had to ride a fair way to get home.

And it hurt all over again while they warmed up.


Squat Member
Yeah in the shower after with the numb pins and needles sensation I hate that!


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Any neoprene ones should be toasty (3mm or more). You might be one of the unfortunate folk that get cold feet and hands.

Everyone is different.

For example, I find my Altura Nightvision gloves too hot unless the temp is below zero - some folk find they are too cold.


Legendary Member
I'm thinking of getting a pair of these - Ozzo overshoes- as my next pair. Mine are all very tatty.

Not too keen on buying them as I've fallen off not long after every purchase of overshoes in the past.
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