in the states!! jailed driver

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rich p

ridiculous old lush
Aw, shucks, I was jus havin a lil fun!


Bird Saviour
We have loads of cycle commuters at work and we've had so many incidents with psycho drivers verbally and physically abusing us, that i heard through the grapevine the other day that it has now been discussed "upstairs" and it has been suggested that the company should consider looking into bringing private prosecutions, particularly in the case of a driver who has deliberatly gone out of his way to harrass two employees (including me!) as the police do not seem interested in doing anything about it.

At the very least i think they are now going to be approaching the police on our behalf because we have complained to our cycle group that we no longer feel we can report stuff as the police treat us like "that nutty cyclist who doesn't like cars and hasn't got anything better to do with their time than sit for 4 hours in the cop shop" , so i think the company are getting a tad pissed off and are going to proactively support us (especially as i believe the death count is now 2, although not from our particular office, not to mention the ones that have escaped with their lives who work at our office).
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