****ing dog…

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nothing in moderation
on a local bridleway riding (slowly) past a woman with small dog on a lead and a small child coming the other way, her loose doberman ran at me and bit me. fortunately, given my firm thigh muscles, it only grazed and bruised.

the woman was very apologetic, i was livid. i told her if i saw her with that dog off the lead again i would tell the police.

now need to go for a jab in the arse tomorrow :biggrin: :ohmy: :angry:


New Member
Should have took her details and a couple of photos.

Get your jab and inform the police.

They will see the dog is destroyed.


Barbara Woodhouse's Love Child
alecstilleyedye said:
the woman was very apologetic, i was livid. i told her if i saw her with that dog off the lead again i would tell the police.

This really gets on my t*ts! Why do people let their dogs off the lead when there is the chance it will a) run like mad towards someone/another dog (so intimidating) and/or :angry: bite. :biggrin: :ohmy:

Hope you are ok Alec.


I understand you're probably quite angry about it, but I think you missed out the word owner from your title. Her fault - not the dog's.
alecstilleyedye said:
now need to go for a jab in the arse tomorrow :biggrin: :ohmy: :angry:

Sorry to hear of your misadventure.

Mine jab was in the arm. I had more than one jab - had to go back for another 6 weeks later - but then it was a while ago. Dog long dead (I hope).


nothing in moderation
MichaelM said:
I understand you're probably quite angry about it, but I think you missed out the word owner from your title. Her fault - not the dog's.

quite so, but logically i could also blame the law, for allowing people to have those sort of dogs off the lead at all.


nothing in moderation
Uncle Mort said:
Sorry to hear about that Alecs. Just wondering, what kind of jab do you have to have? Is it tetanus or something?

i asked for a tetanus booster as last time i had one i was at uni (long time ago :biggrin: ). the bite isn't deep; the teeth just skidded off the muscle and grazed the skin. lycra not ripped so it's possible the dog's teeth didn't actually touch me. damned big bruise though, and it's starting to sting a touch…


Legendary Member
jimboalee said:
Should have took her details and a couple of photos.

Get your jab and inform the police.

They will see the dog is destroyed.
Hard as it may seem, I'm right with Jimboalee here...'apologetic' bedamned - dogs that bite people should not be around people, period. At the very least it should have to wear a muzzle in public - since that, with such an obviously stupid/thoughtless owner cannot be relied on, it should be put down. Next time it could be a child...


nothing in moderation
swee said:
Next time it could be a child...[/B]

i pointed that out to her, including the fact that dogs that have mauled kids to death had "never done it before". she did seem genuinely shocked that the dog had done it. maybe having a shouty man in shades yell at her might have done that of course, especially with a jersey with the word "friendly" on…


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Not good.

I was going into a shop the other week, but a large dog was sat in the door. Me being a 'animal person' just said 'hello' to the dog in a soft tone..... the thing went for me....jumped right back...good job the kids weren't with me. Owner said sorry, she's really soft....'hmm' - then dog goes off one again at the next customer.

Walked outside, owner with dog, so jokingly said too the dog - 'oh bet you are in trouble'.....guess what, it went for me again...FFS, was it my aftershave....


New Member
fossyant said:
Not good.

I was going into a shop the other week, but a large dog was sat in the door. Me being a 'animal person' just said 'hello' to the dog in a soft tone..... the thing went for me....jumped right back...good job the kids weren't with me. Owner said sorry, she's really soft....'hmm' - then dog goes off one again at the next customer.

Walked outside, owner with dog, so jokingly said too the dog - 'oh bet you are in trouble'.....guess what, it went for me again...FFS, was it my aftershave....

No, it was the ghost of a dead cat sitting on your shoulder.


Nr Cambridge
Please contact the police and make a complaint. You don't know how many times this dog would have done this before each time no one doing anything. Each time it does it the results are worse. Perhaps get some bear spray if it's becoming a problem in your area. Take pics of your injuries.

"He hasn't done that before". How many times have I heard that cycling or especially running. When I was bitten on my Achilles by a little mutt in the park last year I returned it's greeting by booting it back and it flew through the air :blush:. It won't do that again :biggrin:. I did contact plod and make a complaint but they didn't do anything. Maybe it will be different in your area if it's not Cambs police. The bloke who owns it can't control it. It's invariably off the lead. 3 weeks ago this was the case again although he and the dog were quite some way away. But second time round it made a chase toward me. So I stood still and as it approached I rawed at it. The owner went nuts thinking I was going to boot it again which I was if it tried to bite me again. Then things really kicked off. Keep it on a lead then mate.

Yesterday riding a cyclepath through social housing a young stocky and pasty faced couple built like barrels suddenly came on the the path with two huge white pitbulls straining at ther leashes some 50m in front of me. My stomach muscles tightened I thought I'm done for. I slowed down to about 6mph so as not to alarm them but these things looked rather mean. They had hefty harnesses around their necks and front legs. They had a few scar marks around their heads and necks. I went off the path onto the grass to give them a wide birth. They weren't muzzelled. A few hundred yeards away a small group of kids were playing footy on the grass. Frightening. The owners should be put down.


New Member
That needs the Police involved, thats a hefty, powerful Dog, Dobermans I find are nice dogs but like anything powerful, it needs control and thought given to what it is be capable of.

Only Dog I have been bitten by was a little Westie, it meant business and it hurt and a Doberman is much bigger, I used to get harrased by a horrible angry dog on my paper round, always snarling at the gate, I thought it would be all mouth and no trousers but it got out one day and the twat really went for me, used the bike as a sheild, few months later, a mate was doing my round in the snow as I was on the School holiday to France and it got him, thing is he fell on it and broke its front legs :birthday: slowed it down nicely for my return !


New Member
Don't ban the breed, ban the deed. People shouldn't have a dog that they can't control. Sadly most people can't, more so the people who buy a dog for status (hence why you bulldogs, rotttie, Dobermann etc are thought to be bad dogs) it's not bad dogs but bad owners. I don't agree with the dog being PTS due to a idiot owner, the dog taken off them and rehomed to someone who can controll it.
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