Inner thigh cramps

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New Member
Hi, I have been suffering from these lately in road racing. Nothing has changed in my training,diet etc. It always seems to happen only in races and not training. I believe it is the satorious muscle as it only happens when I pull up on the pedals and not on the push down.

Any one any suggestions.


Fiona N

I get cramps in the same area pretty frequently from recumbent riding (at least, I never had them until I started riding 'bents). In fact, they're the only cramps I get really. I've found Mg tablets after longer rides and daily inner thigh & glutes stretching to be useful in reducing their frequency and severity.

Without seeing your cycling etc. I can't really suggest why you're getting these cramps (I know mine are to do with maintaining knee alignment, which is more problematic on a 'bent than an upright) but it does suggest that you may be over-using the muscles involved and some additional strengthening exercises might be useful too - the sartorius can be isolated and strengthened using one of the most painful exercises known to man :laugh: or woman.


New Member
Which is???

I get it in both legs at roughly the same time. After a hard ride I get it at night if I pull my knee up to my chest or put socks on?????????
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