Intrasound units

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Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
Has anyone invested in one of those intrasound units? I just have. It says it is specifically for relieving pain, arthritis, rheumatism, backache and sporting injuries. Usually whenever I've been to a physiotherapist, they have used ultrasound on my knee. They usually also gave me some sports massage, shortwave treatment and a set of tedious exercises to do. The packaging says intrasound is similar to ultrasound but lower frequency. I assume that basically you cannot cook yourself so much.
Has anyone invested in one of those intrasound units? I just have. It says it is specifically for relieving pain, arthritis, rheumatism, backache and sporting injuries.

neurofen or voltarol does the same job - and probably for less money...


I have used one for years (when needed, I don't mean for years!). They do work, but nowhere near as effective as ultrasound. I find it good for arthritis where the joints are not too deep, such as in my wrists, fingers and ankles, but less effective for deep joints or deep muscle injuries. Unlike popping pills all the time they don't poison you either. A TENS unit is more effective for pain relief.
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