Is this good value? - and what size ?

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Legendary Member
Chandler's Ford
Sprog #3 wants a new MTB for his 12th birthday,

He is a discerning and experienced cyclist who has had to put up with hand-me down Halfrauds MTBs from his older siblings...and a 20 year old rebuilt ebay bargain steel tourer for our E2E last year.

Funds being somewhat short at present, I am looking at these.

Does anyone have one? Any experienced MTBers care to comment on the spec / price? Or offer alternatives?

I know my way around road bikes, but pretty clueless about MTBs so any tips would be gratefully received.

- and what size should I get?

He's 5'2" with a 28" inside leg right now... but growing fast (expect him to hit 6' at around age 16) , and he's quite used to riding bikes that are too big for him (tourer is a 21" frame !)


Swinging Member
West London
In case it helps this is the size/spec for the precise model I think. Fwiw as a non-expert I think it is good value, albeit a little heavy (by about 1kg) compared to peers. It is a little unusual nowadays for mtb forks to have only 60mm of travel, and it is without lockout. But neither is surprising for the price.

I think amazing bang per buck could be achieved by hunting/waiting for a little used quality hardtail that was £600 or more when new. Another alternative is to go half way and get something like this (buy-it-now for £85 is not much for what is included I think) and if/when necessary putting brand new, better bits/fork on it with the remaining budget. I just think with your outstanding expertise and knowledge you can do better than buying new.

Or let him choose whether he prefers new/lower spec or a used/high spec bike? I might have appreciated a choice if I were him, but perhaps only because I would have preferred the latter. A mtb could look well used after a couple of proper rides.


Legendary Member
Chandler's Ford
I probably could do better buying second-hand..... but my knowledge of things MTB is not great, and expensive mistakes could easily be made ! I think this one is really going to have to be new.

Any ideas on sizing ?
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