It's Eurovision time again

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Master of the Inane Comment
Well, next Saturday. Does anybody have any real hope that a combined televoting and jury decision on which songs are not as bad as the others will prevent the nationalist voting we have seen in recent years?

More to the point (sic), does anyone care?


Married to Night Train
Unkraut said:
Well, next Saturday. Does anybody have any real hope that a combined televoting and jury decision on which songs are not as bad as the others will prevent the nationalist voting we have seen in recent years?

More to the point (sic), does anyone care?

No, and yes, but only in an ironic sense.

I'm sort of intrigued to see what Graham Norton does with it. Wogan is a hard act to follow, and Norton is easily sarcastic enough, if he plays it that way, but I suspect he might be under orders to at least appear to take it seriously.

I think our song (what I've heard of it) is pretty dire, and without a hope...

Rob S

New Member
I enjoyed the first semifinal on Tuesday, second one is tonight on BBC3....and always look forward to the main event. I'm not looking forward to hearing Graham Norton and his comments although at least we don't have to see his stupid face. So my solution is to listen to Radio 2's Ken Bruce and watch BBC1 with the sound off.

I don't like our song which appears to be nothing but her wailing about it being her time.
We're going to watch it, partly to see Graham Norton's approach to the event and partly to see if our song fares as badly as some are predicting. Bottle of wine, party nibbles - we treat it as fun rather than serious.


Legendary Member
I was in the Eurovision hotel last year in Belgrade. Some of the contestants really were egotistical tossers.


Married to Night Train
beanzontoast said:
We're going to watch it, partly to see Graham Norton's approach to the event and partly to see if our song fares as badly as some are predicting. Bottle of wine, party nibbles - we treat it as fun rather than serious.

Same here...


Legendary Member
I LOVE Eurovison - not being ironic, I really just love it. I'm getting increasingly frustrated by the politics though - what started as amusing (Scandinavia giving each other the top marks) has become a bowing of the knee to the might of Russian Oil and it REALLY bugs me. But anyway...the annual Eurovision party is all planned for Saturday night. BBQ first (in the rain) and then flags and scorecards at the ready to go. It's going to be fab!


I've not seen/heard the French entry but I've seen/heard the performer... Patricia Kaas. She's a cabaret artist and, like all caberet imho, it's about the performance, the theatrics of it all. Lots of effort goes into making it look like a good performance but the song itself is secondary. I take it the song's in French this year. Last year's (I think it was last year's) was in English and that didn't half upset a few!


Legendary Member
I do think everyone should be forced to sing in their own language, with subtitles if necessary. It's lost a lot of its appeal since everyone went English language.

Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
I've had a Eurovision party every year for 14 years, and somehow survived the musical event despite being teetotal. Two years ago we were in Berlin and so persuaded a German friend to come and watch it with us; we thought the Germans took it seriously but she disabused us of that fact very quickly. Despite not having an English commentary, it was clear the German version of Terry Wogan was taking pretty much the same line.

This year the party is in Maidstone, rather than Berlin, and with all but one of us driving home afterwards, it's going to be a very sober event. Not sure if we'll survive the evening intact.


Legendary Member
Auntie Helen said:
I've had a Eurovision party every year for 14 years, and somehow survived the musical event despite being teetotal. Two years ago we were in Berlin and so persuaded a German friend to come and watch it with us; we thought the Germans took it seriously but she disabused us of that fact very quickly. Despite not having an English commentary, it was clear the German version of Terry Wogan was taking pretty much the same line.

This year the party is in Maidstone, rather than Berlin, and with all but one of us driving home afterwards, it's going to be a very sober event. Not sure if we'll survive the evening intact.

Yippeee...another Eurovision fan!!! We were in Geneva on our epic bike trip last year and couldn't find anywhere to watch it, so we watched it in bed in our hotel room with the BIGGEST thunder storm going on outside. It was fun but I'm looking forward to festivities this year!!
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