Its the loneliness thats the killer...

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Even worse is the number of lonely people living in a 'relationship'! ;)


Legendary Member
That's a very good point actually. I spent a year abroad as part of my degree and in one year was more lonely than I'd ever been (or would be again) but learned to be happy on my own which is a great lesson to learn. Tough though,

Hang in there,Numbnuts. Think you were pretty brave to go to a wedding by yourself actually.


New Member
The link says

'Turning up the thermometer could lighten your mood'.

Turning up the heating might, until you got your next gas bill at least.


Über Member
numbnuts said:
You can be lonely in a crowded room, I felt this yesderday, I was the spare prick at a wedding and left after the cake was cut and then went home to an empty flat:sad:

That's what the bridesmaids are there for! :biggrin::smile:


Cathryn said:
learned to be happy on my own which is a great lesson to learn. Tough though,

Agreed. When I first moved to the UK from NZ, I must admit to some quite lonely times but I hung in there. Being a natural born loner helped but I also discovered I could be truly content and fulfilled on my own. It was quite a confidence boost.

I actually like being anonymous (as opposed to lonely) in a crowd. I find it liberating having no obligations to anyone, being able to call my own shots without anyone else giving a damn. I reckon loneliness is a state of mind, if you see your choice (to leave a wedding early, for instance) as an exercise in free will then it is also empowering.

I've always thought that cycling suits the loner temperament.


New Member
Kirstie said:
Quick!! Numbnuts needs an emergency hug!! CC huddle everyone!! :biggrin:

Group hug for numbnuts coming up!



Bird Saviour
numbnuts said:
You can be lonely in a crowded room, I felt this yesderday, I was the spare prick at a wedding and left after the cake was cut and then went home to an empty flat:sad:

i personally think that weddings are the worst gatherings for making you feel lonely if you go on your own, even if it wasn't bothering you before, it starts to bother you by the time you come home. i swear it's coz all the couples are looking at you going "aw, he/she's on his/her own".

hell, they make you feel lonely if you don't go on your own! because everyone's saying, "hasn't she been with him for 10 years and still no ring?... poor love!" :angry:
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