'Jesus!' moments

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Three this morning... (still not using camera, alas)

1. Turning right at a big crossroads from a red light (I'm in ASL, car behind me). Thought I was holding a fairly primary position, not going too fast on the actual turn, don't want to slip (road looks clear, but it is cold), but the guy behind still felt the need to get past as we were both turning. That bit of the junction is pretty wide, so despite being well out, there was still room for him. If I'd been further out I'd have felt exposed on the left.... Made me jump a bit.

2. Riding along a straight bit of moderately wide road, in a decent secondary, van comes past with what felt like a foot to spare (probably because he HAD to overtake, despite an oncoming bus on the other side of the road).

3. Coming along a road divided into narrow lanes for a junction, wanting to turn left up a cycle only path. Again, in secondary (although since the lane is narrow, that blocks it pretty well). Van sitting behind me, has to wait, but as soon as I indicate for the turn and start to move, he squeezes past. Annoying, I indicated mainly to let him know I'd be out of the way in a minute, but he kind of took advantage.

Probably not being assertive enough, although only doing what I normally do... Must just have been a knob day.:blush:

On the other hand, two or three people recently have stopped to let me out, or across a turn, despite them having right of way.:laugh:


the tank engine
Arch said:
On the other hand, two or three people recently have stopped to let me out, or across a turn, despite them having right of way.:laugh:

Works out sort of event then :blush:
Impatience is the common factor in all three, Arch. The way someone treats a cyclist says a lot about their general driving habits, IMO. They mat well be like that all the time.


Bit OT, but I get e-mails from someone in Prague who insists on calling me Christ. So, in a way it's a Jesus moment when I receive one. :smile:


New Member
I had one of those moments yesterday, Arch. Pedestrian stepped out in front of me.... "Jesus"; couldn't stop myself from saying it. My fault for "not looking where you're f***ing going", apparently.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I find 'Jesus!' is the exclamation that usually comes to my lips when surprised. Usually followed by a muttered 'self-gratification artist!'


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
John the Monkey said:
Shouldn't someone have come into the thread to tell you all that it's all your fault by now?


I wouldn't be surprised if people thought I was too far to the left (assuming they could see me) - I don't always push primary as much as I could. On the other hand, I had room each time to 'flinch' left, as I wasn't right in the gutter....

I'm quite sure that had I been in the gutter, though, both the close passing vans would have passed just as close. And the overtake on the junction would still have happened, but perhaps he wouldn't have seemed so close...


Fenchurch Street this morning, nice easy responsible (gawd I'm getting old) pace coming up the inside of stationary traffic, fully on the ball, woman steps out from between two cars, I locked both wheels and slid to a stop, I looked at her for any sort of sorry, the blank look of 'what'? rather annoyed although my new found zen didn't flicker


New Member
Had an interesting one this morning.
There was one car comming towards me, checked mirror, car comming up behind me but far enough back. Then notice the car is accelerating, still they will have to go even faster to get to me at the same time as the oncomming car. Checked again wow they are acclerating fast, they have managed to reach me just at the same time as the oncoming car, passing uncomfortably close. Then three car lengths in front of me brake hard to take a left turn. Not really dangerous just pointless.
Arch said:
I'm quite sure that had I been in the gutter, though, both the close passing vans would have passed just as close. And the overtake on the junction would still have happened, but perhaps he wouldn't have seemed so close...

Yes - it doesn't seem to make much difference. I've noticed vehicles prefer to move closer to the near side rather than the off side. The more room you give them, the more room they take, it seems.

Wasn't there a study that said the closer you are to the gutter, the less room the overtaking vehicle leaves you?


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
beanzontoast said:
Yes - it doesn't seem to make much difference. I've noticed vehicles prefer to move closer to the near side rather than the off side. The more room you give them, the more room they take, it seems.

Wasn't there a study that said the closer you are to the gutter, the less room the overtaking vehicle leaves you?

Yes, which is the rationale behind riding further out.

The annoying thing is that the middle one happened on a fairly wide road, there should be plenty of space...


New Member
There's certainly a lot of bad driving out there right now. This morning I did the weekly shop, so was in't car. The roads hereabouts were mainly wet but with a large amount of icy slush. So still slippy. Did the vast majority of drivers appear to be slowing? No. Did the vast majority of drivers leave a bit more room between them & the vehicle in front to allow for extra braking time? No. Bunch of morons out there. ;)
I had one of those 'Jesus' moments tonight. In front of me as I was heading down a steepish hill (Rodney Street for those who know it) was another cyclist going a fair speed but on the left of traffic in a cycle lane, a car in the slow moving queue decided to pull over sharply to the kerb and then indicate. I thought 'jesus' he's going to get it :ohmy: but thankfully he managed to indicate and go round the car, perhaps it wasn't as close as it looked :biggrin:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Had another on the way home! Taxi pulled out of a side road to the right as I was coming down a slight hill (so going at a fair lick, for me), right in front of me. He looked straight at me too, in my hi-vis coat and with one steady light and one flashing LED. I didn't have to stop, but did have to brake a bit..

I remarked on his intelligence, and I think he saw my glare....
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