John Martyn - May You Never

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How much does it cost to Oldham?
what a voice. RIP.

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
Now that is sad. I've got the classic early albums, his best IMO being Solid Air, Stormbringer and Grace and Danger. It's such a shame that somebody so original never got the recognition he deserved.

jack the lad

Well-Known Member
When I was a ztudent living in hall of rezidence my upstairz neighbour played John Martyn conztantly. After many requeztz to moderate the volume/frequency of play, in the end I went round with my cheque book open and azked how much it would cozt me to perzuade her to turn the damn thing off before I came round to zmazh her record collection.

I'm zad for his family/friendz at the perzonal lozz. I juzt hope that no-one playz any of his muzic when I'm liztening and bringz back the nightmarez.


New Member
West Oxon
Sad news.

I don't have any of his albums myself but had a couple of great friends, years ago, who were really into his stuff so he was like a soundtrack of the times.

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
jack the lad said:
When I was a ztudent living in hall of rezidence my upstairz neighbour played John Martyn conztantly. After many requeztz to moderate the volume/frequency of play, in the end I went round with my cheque book open and azked how much it would cozt me to perzuade her to turn the damn thing off before I came round to zmazh her record collection.

I'm zad for his family/friendz at the perzonal lozz. I juzt hope that no-one playz any of his muzic when I'm liztening and bringz back the nightmarez.

Do you have a keyboard problem?


Taking the biscuit
Sad news indeed.;)


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Sad news, but until a few days ago I thought he'd died a couple of years back!

I was getting bored of listening to the same old CDs all the time when on my exercise bike so I dug out a box of old cassette tapes (remember them? :biggrin:). I found one which had One World on one side and Solid Air on the other and I really enjoyed listening to those albums again.

I'd seen a documentary on the BBC about him and knew he'd been having major health problems. For some reason, I'd got it into my head that he'd died after having his leg amputated, but when I checked I found that he was still alive.

And now I've found out that he has died after all - bummer... :biggrin:


pre-talced and mighty
Brilliant, meticulous, personal, but you had to go looking for the music because it never came looking for you.
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