Katie Derham

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OK, it´s a bit old-hat by now, but having lived abroad for rather too long, I´m confronted by the image of her at the intro to TdeF on Eurosport and start dribbling quite inexpliquably (sp)!
If I knew girls like her were to be found in the UK, I may never have ventured abroad! PHEW! :rolleyes: :blush:


"The grass is always greener" comes to mind, Dayvo :blush:

Tim Bennet.

Entirely Average Member
S of Kendal
I thought she did well at the TdF team presentation in Trafalgar Square on Friday night. I know she was scripted and didn't really know every last detail, but she coped well and brightened the place up.

Her 'I've got my coat - I've been pulled' comment after one of the breaks was classic.

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
Dayvo said:
OK, it´s a bit old-hat by now, but having lived abroad for rather too long, I´m confronted by the image of her at the intro to TdeF on Eurosport and start dribbling quite inexpliquably (sp)!
If I knew girls like her were to be found in the UK, I may never have ventured abroad! PHEW! :rolleyes: :blush:
Do you really mean that Dayvo :thumbsup: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I can't say she does much for me. She seems to have an smug/arrogant look on her face, but maybe that's reserved for being sat next to that smarmy bloke on ITV. I've not seen her on anything else.


graham56 said:
"The grass is always greener" comes to mind, Dayvo :rolleyes:

Dayvo's grass looks greener if it's anything like those 'specialist' swedish videos that pop up every now and then.

At least the health service is over there is certainly better, judging by the treatment the nurses dish out!!!

:?: :?: :sad:


just passin' through
Keith Oates said:
Dayvo said:
OK, it´s a bit old-hat by now, but having lived abroad for rather too long, I´m confronted by the image of her at the intro to TdeF on Eurosport and start dribbling quite inexpliquably (sp)!
If I knew girls like her were to be found in the UK, I may never have ventured abroad! PHEW! :?: :?:
Do you really mean that Dayvo :sad: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, you're right, Keith! I'm a permanent ex-pat, although I've enjoyed being here for two weeks!
If I had stayed in the UK I'm sure all then decent women would have left! :rolleyes:

giant man

New Member
Essex innit?
I have always thought of Katie Derham a bit of a minger, but Kate Silverton far more 'dooable' with her sexy specs and styled hair. Mnnnnnnnn .......... :?:


Well-Known Member
Waltham Abbey
Oooh agrees with Giant Man re: minger - if you look at her closely she resembles a bloke! Alas that Silverton women is just more of the same! UGH!

(obviously I'm an oil painting!) :?: :?:
Reading the news (perhaps next to Alastair Steward, who always seems to have a look on his face like he's just wet himself...) Katie's a professional newsreader.

But as a presenter !
She presented from The Dome at the millennium and I'd swear she was p*ssed out of her head. Hilarious and bewildering - great to watch !
And the Saturday Tour Presentation she was...a little animated perhaps.

A definite go-er, I reckon.


New Member
Deal, Kent
yello said:
I can't say she does much for me. She seems to have an smug/arrogant look on her face, but maybe that's reserved for being sat next to that smarmy bloke on ITV. I've not seen her on anything else.

She does have a really strange grin/smerk!
I just don't like her

Monty Dog

New Member
'specialist swedish videos'?? last time I saw one of those I got some old beardie in overalls telling me how to service a Volvo 240! Should I have fast-forwarded it a bit?
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