Knocked off!

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The Horse's Mouth

Proud to be an Inverted snob!
I'd have to go back through my files to find the name of the law firm so don't have it to hand and would not want to libel someone by getting it wrong.

They did not make any offer until the day before - in fact communication with them was almost unidirectional from me to them with no reply - although I was pretty certain they were going to fold as up to the day before they had still not lodged any case. I think they were just out to make as much work for me as they could with no real intention of fighting but when they offered to settle in full I accepted rather than try and convince the judge their actions had been so unreasonable as to warrant allowing costs for my wasted time (the only route through which you can get costs awarded in the Small Claims track.)

I think in Lloyds you are living in a different world from front line motor insurance offices.

Maybe, but personally like most things there are good and bad insurance companies. As i said b4 i had a claim which took 18 months to settle when i went down a pot hole. The main reason for the delay was huge backlogs on the part of that insurer. Most companies are not like that.


Active Member
Haven't read the whole thread.

My motorcyclist friend was cut across like the OP and he flew across the bonnet and onto the road.
Never fully recovered.

It's been about 7 years now since the accident.

He never ever told me the payout, but his words were that he'll "never have to work again."

I'll wish that you get well fully rather than get well soon.



I experienced a very similar injury on July 7th. BMW cut straight 90 degrees across the front of me on my racer, bounced off the side @circa 20mph, level 3 AC Separation with torn ligaments. Driver accelerated off- totally their fault. Luckily a cabbie directly behind clocked the plate. Long story short the police investigation is still ongoing (hope they have him/her and notify me of all the details soon so I can proceed with a claim- but I won't discuss anything about that here.).

I know exactly how bloody painful and awkward it is and how little the NHS does for you initially- my greatest sympathies there. My collision occured about 9 weeks ago. Although each injury is different (after all, the collar bone and surrounding ligaments is a tricky area). They decided mine didn't require surgery (was 50/50 at the time). There is hope though as every day it gets a little better and you'll find yourself becoming more mobile. For the first week or two I was terrible. Since I live alone I couldn't get out of my football kit for three days (was cycling back when it happened- the NHS did kindly cut me out of my top at the hospital) and was more or less totally incapacitated. After two weeks you may be able to use the recumbent bikes at the gym to keep your fitness up- shoulder area isn't involved here.

I was driving again after a month and back on the Hybrid after 4/5 weeks, stable enough to run outside after 6. It'll be twingy but as mentioned gets a little better every day. I'm doing a physio session every 3 or so weeks. Just about getting there- have been back on the racer for about 3 weeks now (luckily I only had a buckled front wheel). Have a noticeable lump where my collarbone sticks out and it'll be a few weeks until I can do things like press ups (I hope) but ultimately I'd say you can live a normal-ish life after 3/5 weeks.

Anyways, hope it heals well for you, you manage ok and your professional life doesn't suffer too much. Feel free to drop me a message if you'd like to ask anything. Otherwise, keep positive and use the time to watch lots of films!



Über Member
I bought a descent sling, and got rid of the hanky the hospital put on me, the pain is easing day by day. I'm thinking of buying a neoprene shoulder support.

Spoke to my solicitor, got to wait for the forms to come, so I can start the claim process. Got to get the damaged assessed by a lbs to my bike at some point.

Going back to hospital a week on fri. See what they have to say then.
Haven't read full thread, hope you heal well and soon.

In the mean time keep a diary of every time you are in pain,loose sleep, or the injuries stop you carrying out you normal day, and how much medication/treatment you need, it'll help when the insurance medical people become involved.


"Young and Ex-whippet"
This might sound a bit selfish but try to squeeze as much compensation as possible. Claim for everything you have lost (time, repairs, costs). Nothing can be too small to claim, speak to your solicitor about the terms of claiming and if you can claim for everything you wouldnt have had to pay for if you were okay.


"Young and Ex-whippet"
Threads like this make me greatful that I have a camera on my bike now, so that I can provide the police and other people with video evidence of what happened and possibly what the driver said afterwards.

It is always scary whenever you have a big incident, even when you simply fall off on your own.

Little yellow Brompton

A dark destroyer of biscuits!
Got knocked off tonight, car 100m in front facing me indicating to turn to my left his right. There is nothing in front of me so clear sight to me, I slow a little anticipating him to make the manoeuvre, he doesn't so continue, this is happening at about 20 mph in a fluid motion, I get right on him, he makes the turn I hit the car fly over the roof and land on the floor.

I get up walk towards the kerb take off my rucksack feel chest pain and severe shoulder pain. Sit down, people start gathering driver comes over calling ambulance. Big lump on my shoulder, start getting blured vision and sickness feeling.

Ambulance turns up, police attend. Driver admits fault, get took to hospital, x rayed, they say I've torn the ligaments holding my collar bone in place so it's moving about, my arms dropping slightly and the collar bones sticking up, got to go back mon to see what's what. 6 to 8 weeks to heal. I'm gutted. Sling on and pain killers. Want to get drivers insurance details to make a claim, but the driver wants to come to mutual agreement by the looks of it and not go through his insurance,

I'm unsure, what sort of claim payout can you receive for such an accident? Anyone else had a similar experience?

He is looking at least £5,000 for injuries plus loss of wages etc... , the driver might want to think he is not going to go to his insurance company but he will run there very quickly when he realises that you are not talking about £50 for a BSO from Halfrauds.

Hand it over to a solicitor straight away.
He is looking at least £5,000 for injuries plus loss of wages etc... , the driver might want to think he is not going to go to his insurance company but he will run there very quickly when he realises that you are not talking about £50 for a BSO from Halfrauds.

Hand it over to a solicitor straight away.

^^ This!

Who knows how long you will be off work for and what effect your injurieis will have on the future. Do it properly with Solicitors and medical reports etc so everybody knows what's what.


Legendary Member

I experienced a very similar injury on July 7th. BMW cut straight 90 degrees across the front of me on my racer, bounced off the side @circa 20mph, level 3 AC Separation with torn ligaments. Driver accelerated off- totally their fault. Luckily a cabbie directly behind clocked the plate. Long story short the police investigation is still ongoing (hope they have him/her and notify me of all the details soon so I can proceed with a claim- but I won't discuss anything about that here.).

I know exactly how bloody painful and awkward it is and how little the NHS does for you initially- my greatest sympathies there. My collision occured about 9 weeks ago. Although each injury is different (after all, the collar bone and surrounding ligaments is a tricky area). They decided mine didn't require surgery (was 50/50 at the time). There is hope though as every day it gets a little better and you'll find yourself becoming more mobile. For the first week or two I was terrible. Since I live alone I couldn't get out of my football kit for three days (was cycling back when it happened- the NHS did kindly cut me out of my top at the hospital) and was more or less totally incapacitated. After two weeks you may be able to use the recumbent bikes at the gym to keep your fitness up- shoulder area isn't involved here.

I was driving again after a month and back on the Hybrid after 4/5 weeks, stable enough to run outside after 6. It'll be twingy but as mentioned gets a little better every day. I'm doing a physio session every 3 or so weeks. Just about getting there- have been back on the racer for about 3 weeks now (luckily I only had a buckled front wheel). Have a noticeable lump where my collarbone sticks out and it'll be a few weeks until I can do things like press ups (I hope) but ultimately I'd say you can live a normal-ish life after 3/5 weeks.

Anyways, hope it heals well for you, you manage ok and your professional life doesn't suffer too much. Feel free to drop me a message if you'd like to ask anything. Otherwise, keep positive and use the time to watch lots of films!


Sorry to hear about this thefollen , but glad to hear you're recovering well. IIRC, you live v close to me - where did this happen?


Sorry to hear about this thefollen , but glad to hear you're recovering well. IIRC, you live v close to me - where did this happen?

Hi Origamist,

It happened southbound on Blackfriars road a little north of the Elephant & Castle roundabout. I was on Blackfriars and the car was heading across into one of the side streets that's perpendicular. My feeling was they thought they could 'beat' me across the road so really accelerated... sadly not. It was after a session at the Old St Powerleague pitches so I wasn't exactly hammering it along. Could have been loads worse though! Glad I thumped into the side of him rather than the other way round :-)



Legendary Member
Hi Origamist,

It happened southbound on Blackfriars road a little north of the Elephant & Castle roundabout. I was on Blackfriars and the car was heading across into one of the side streets that's perpendicular. My feeling was they thought they could 'beat' me across the road so really accelerated... sadly not. It was after a session at the Old St Powerleague pitches so I wasn't exactly hammering it along. Could have been loads worse though! Glad I thumped into the side of him rather than the other way round :-)


Thank you. Hope to see you commuting regularly soon.


I had top open this thread, because it said:

Knocked Off by Origamist

and I wondered if he'd lost the plot.

Pointless incident, as so many are. Glad you're still with us, PJ79Lizard. Make sure you document everything, and get a solicitor involved. I haven't read the whole thread, but I guess you've been given good advice by the wise heads on here.

Best of luck.


bummer, had much the same accident three years ago, going quicker (down hill)

driver given a speed awareness course, I really would let that go, unnecessary ag and no benefit to you

about a week off work, I was very lucky, cracked a tiny bone in my shoulder (it still hurt) and an awful of damage to my right side which healed

I got £6.5k from the CTC lawyers who seemed very good, I settled quite early after some physio for a stiff neck that physio thought would heal following treatment

I wish I hadn't as it never got better and is permanent stiff to painful

advice being let the lawyers do the hard work, claim for EVERYTHING and don;t settle until you're certain all your injuries have been accurately assessed, ie wait until the doctors say you're stable, if you have permanent injury, it can be compensated for

and of course don't think of dealing with the driver
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