laptops + balls

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just passin' through
roadiewill said:
is it true or just a rumour that having a laptop on your lap for a while will damage your nads????

Was that a computer or a dancer? :laugh:


Keep the little chaps free & cool



Smutmaster General
If you had it on your lap all day every day and spent your entire time bluetoothing and wireless-ing, you might fryyour tadpoles, but I think normal use is ok. Don't get the keys sticky though. :smile:

Night Train

Maker of Things
There is a reason why we keep them in a bag outside of the body, excess heat isn't good for them, likewise overly warm baths, tight jeans and, probably, tucking them inside for that long bike ride.


I remember this. Yet another hysterical scare-story whipped up by journalists who don't understand science. Where's the hard evidence that laptops have ever caused anyone long-term infertility?

You'll find that manufacturers call them 'notebooks' nowadays, so as not to suggest that you are to use them on your lap.

How many people use a 'laptop' on their lap anyway? It's one of the most uncomfortable ways of using it. Stick it on a table ffs!

Night Train said:
It can overheat men's testicles and can render them sterile.

Not true.

[url] said:
the[/url] combination of the legs-together posture required to balance a laptop, and the heat generated by the processor elevates scrotal temperature by up to 2.8°C during use.


Even without the computer present, body heat from the men's thighs raised the temperature of the scrotum by 2.1°C. With the computer present, the temperature could climb another 0.7°C.

So... actually it's sitting with your legs together that causes the biggest temperature rise - three times that of the temperature rise caused by the computer.

You don't even have to sit with your legs together if using a laptop on your lap. Any time I have used a laptop on my lap I've needed to sit with my legs slightly apart, as it balances the computer better and it's more comfortable..

Previous studies suggest that such a temperature rise is enough to briefly impact sperm quality and fertility

Anything that causes a testicular temperature increase, such as hot baths, saunas, wearing tight trousers, sitting with your legs together for too long, will temporarily affect your sperm. That doesn't mean it's going to leave you sterile, or that you should panic, stop doing those things and start walking around with a fan pointing at your bollocks. It just means you should probably avoid doing those things excessively especially if you're trying to conceive.
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