Last Day ..

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Senior Member
.. at work, anyway!!

After grinding away for 30 years in this august institution, an Offer Was Made That I Could Not Refuse - ie, voluntary severance coupled with early retirement.

So, it's down the pub at 16:00 to say goodbye to some really good workmates, and then head for the distant horizen!!

Cheers :smile::smile:


rich p

ridiculous old lush
lucky sod!! Enjoy yourself heartily!


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
Enjoy it, James.

My Dad got redundancy and early retirement at 55. He & Mum have thoroughly enjoyed every second of their lives ever since. it's 'the end of August' institution James - all the will be hard rolling about on the bike day after day, under the warming sun of the South of France, Lanzarote, Bogno Regissimo...enjoy your time. (Lucky sod:tongue:)


N Ireland
After a 34 year career I took an early retirement package 3 years ago - I have loved every single moment since. I hope you have as good a time.

Oh yes, all that time to cycle is brill. ;)


Good luck, JamesAC. Hope you still keep posting on this forum.

Last day of bike commuting for me (for a month). Ramadan starts next week and it's just too risky to cycle to work and back with having had nothing to eat or drink all day.


Über Member
Nice .... all that time on your hands deserve it! :eek:
I'm just embarking on part work on saturday, the start of a long road!!


JamesAC said:
.. at work, anyway!!

After grinding away for 30 years in this august institution, an Offer Was Made That I Could Not Refuse - ie, voluntary severance coupled with early retirement.

So, it's down the pub at 16:00 to say goodbye to some really good workmates, and then head for the distant horizen!!

Cheers :biggrin::smile:


Get gone and enjoy yourself mate - do those things you want to do.

Dont be one of these people I see who're aged about 60 and get up at the crack of dawn and go for the paper.

Where's the sanse despising getting up for years on end at 7am then spend your retirement: going the bleedin shop at the time you haterd being up at... :eek:

I hope to high heaven you do something far better !
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