Lateral adjustment of Campag Ergo gear levers?

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Über Member
In short = can it be done?

I have a set of 2010 SR11 Ergo levers (just before the red 11 ones) - the gear levers have always stuck out to the sides by about 5mm instead of being tucked in directly behind the brake levers.

Is there any way of adjusting these so that they sit flush with the brake levers?
Hi Chrisz

Yes, it can be done but we don't usually recommend that it is done outside of a Service Centre, because in changing the position of lever 2, it can affect the way that the indexing works, and in an extreme case can be a contributory factor to the user damaging the lever beyond repair.

If you have had the levers from new and have a proof of purchase we can probably look at this under the warranty.

PM for further info.
A possible alternative - untried by me.

The shift lever has a spring to bring it back to the normal position (the outside of the brake lever). However you could try gluing a small bit of padding to the plastic frame between the upper shift arm and the main housing which would prevent the shift arm returning all the way.

Since there is a designed amount of play in the initial shift sweep this shouldn't affect the indexing in any way.
Sorry, accountantpete, you are wrong. It can affect the indexing, even doing it your way.

We are the main UK SC for Campagnolo and we see levers that have been tampered with in the way that you suggest, damaged beyond a repair that doesn't involve a new lever body complete ... and in these cases we can't warranty.

The safest course is as we have suggested.


Über Member
Hmm, thanks for the replies gents (I assume?) :smile:

The levers are a few years old now, not sure if I have the original receipt (not even too sure where I bought them!).

The issue of having the grar levers poking outside the brake levers is purely aesthetic and does not seem to affect their function. If it means taking them off and sending them somewhere then I think I can put up with them as they are - managed for the past 3 years so should be ok for the next 10 or so :smile:

Cheers anyway!
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