Lazy sods!

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Touch it up and ride it
Why don`t people look after their houses?

It`s just started raining again, and next door`s guttering is leaking like Niagara because it`s choked with leaves, another sleepless night on the cards..............

What always amazes me is that nobody else is ever remotely bothered, only me:evil:

had ours done about a month ago


WOW,... affluent middle class CCer's take the piss out of those that don't meet their required standards, grouping them all as lazy dirty scum, failing to understand that some not all but some might have mental health issues, depression, proverty as contributing factors but hey oh I'm alright jack best to mock than try to understand, maybe you/we/me should take a good look at your own lives, I doubt they are as prefect as you/we/me believe....

im sure that will get a day


Still wavin'
I also have to go into houses for work, my favourite is the guy who (for reasons best known to himself) has a vast collection of p1ss filled plastic bottles ..... The smell in his gaff takes the enamel off yer teeth.
Suppose you got to have a hobby!
Howard Hughes?


Legendary Member
WOW,... affluent middle class CCer's take the piss out of those that don't meet their required standards, grouping them all as lazy dirty scum, failing to understand that some not all but some might have mental health issues, depression, proverty as contributing factors but hey oh I'm alright jack best to mock than try to understand, maybe you/we/me should take a good look at your own lives, I doubt they are as prefect as you/we/me believe....

What on earth has class got to do with being clean or tidy? The other points maybe, but class no way.


Legendary Member
read between the lines a lot of it is about class, this type of thread isn't very different to threads on benefit scroungers, the feckless of society etc etc etc there is always a them and us about the posts.....

I have been in lots of dirty houses owned or rented by all classes. Please point out the lines I should be reading between and put the words in there for me to understand.
Back to the original posting...

What always amazes me is that nobody else is ever remotely bothered, only me

...I don't think this is anything about class/social economic groups, it's about folk just not having the knowledge that fixing their gutters now will save them thousands in the future. This goes for landlords and home owners alike. A near by house to me is a prime example.

Maybe a wee nod to the neighbours mentioning tactfully that in the long term broken guttering may cost them tens of thousands of pounds in the future. If your neighbours are tenants maybe you could contact their landlord/letting office yourself explaining the impact to your property.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
It's light hearted - Most of us know our neighbours and wouldn't comment if they had mental health issues etc. Mr Builder just doesn't give a toss.

Are you always so confrontational Irish ?
I'm very working class, my house is extremely well maintained and water tight.
As for cleanliness, I'm too busy riding my bike for to be bothered about a speak of dust on top of the TV.
Not the today though, giving pins a break and too blinking windy again out there. I could be dusting, but hey, I'm chatting to you lovely bike/like minded folk with a cup of char in hand.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
They aren't less fortunate, just can't be arsed. Probably takes the hiss out of me for having a tidy garden. Unfortunately I have an unfinished decking/summer house project in the side garden but that's down to a fractured spine.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
when needed....and not afraid to do it online or started light heartedish but these type of posts quickly become a them and us but I'll write it again if at the end of the day if you're happy to piss take those less fortunate than yourself then crack on fella,

:cuppa: have one of these and calm down.

Luddite Joe

Über Member
thanks but no thanks, believe it or not but I'm not angry, far from it just annoyed at how these type of threads continually become acceptable to mock, piss take those for whatever reason don't meet the "recommended standards" of the predominantly affluent middle class posters of CycleChat...

But you're the one who's making assumptions about class and affluence.
The thread was about standards of hygiene and being a responsible neighbour.
It seems to me that you're the one with the prejudice.
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