London riots

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Dan B

Disengaged member
History tells us that Stalin did what he did in order to secure power. A little different to punishing fearists. As the saying goes "The only thing necessary for evil to sucseed is for good men to do nothing".

Oh, so it would have been OK if he'd done it with good intentions?


Über Member
South coast
[QUOTE 1499196"]
Like moniker, like post.

Maybe timestamp, the police are monitoring this site and they use this info to stop what happened last night happening in other areas tonight !
Not exactly rocket science but sometimes i do wonder what planet some people that make decisions are on ?


A Velocipedian
No, I'm of the opinion that false dichotomies make for really poor arguments.
Well real life makes for a a great argument. The current system is not working. Something needs to change. The youth have no fear of the Law as punishment is a joke. I would like to see what would happen if punishments were a lot harsher.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
Oh come on. Nobody wants to go to prison.

I'm afraid there are some that do...I've known, met and been attacked by one that I can mention. I do concede that this is rare BUT, prisons are not as bad as we think. (we being the general , law abiding society)

To us (and to respond to dellzeq's comment about prison design) they are terrifying, dreadful places. But to those brought up in relative poverty (both emotional and financial) they are not as bad.

To a hardened criminal they are positively "pleasant".

Prisons that don't over focus on rehabilitation and accept that some simply need punishment and removal from society, would offer more of a deterrent.

Would that be enough?...probably not. Better to kill the problem at source and invest in a society that does not suckle the state but rather aspires to achieve and contribute

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
Propaganda is taking grip, Syria reports of civil dispute against police brutality. Syria is "urging" the British MP to open dialogue with its citizens and is considering reporting the UK authorities for human rights.

Getting their punch in first then....

See how water canons and army presence can give them what they want?


A Velocipedian
I'm afraid there are some that do...I've known, met and been attacked by one that I can mention. I do concede that this is rare BUT, prisons are not as bad as we think. (we being the general , law abiding society)

To us (and to respond to dellzeq's comment about prison design) they are terrifying, dreadful places. But to those brought up in relative poverty (both emotional and financial) they are not as bad.

To a hardened criminal they are positively "pleasant".

Prisons that don't over focus on rehabilitation and accept that some simply need punishment and removal from society, would offer more of a deterrent.

Would that be enough?...probably not. Better to kill the problem at source and invest in a society that does not suckle the state but rather aspires to achieve and contribute
The ability to chastise children without fear of punishment would be a start. Letting the Police be a force again would be even better.


New Member
Late to thread, but I read Theresa May has said 'The way we police in Britain is not through use of water cannon. The way we police in Britain is through consent of communities.'

Clueless. Vigilantes are the next stop then? Do you want the communities to knock f**k out of these idiots themselves?

I was in tears on the way home, on the radio an elderly lady was being interviewed about how gangs of masked youths had been congregating around her building last night. They had threatened her, broken into the shops and offices below. She had called the police, and family living elsewhere - in fear for her life, she left the building and it was later torched - all her and her husbands posessions are gone.
A lifetime.

So do cut it with the ideological posturing, and the sociological analysis, because it is opportunistic terrorism.

The people involved who I have heard interviewed are unashamed, proud even, of what they have done 'we'll show the rich' said one girl. The journalist asked her to define 'rich' 'the people with businesses and shops and that' she replied. The shops where you buy your food then?
A lad shouted into another journalist's microphone 'it's race recognition this'

Recognising what?
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