looking like a good week

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Middle of the pack...
Just checked the met office, looks like no rain, low winds and good temperatures.

Looks like shorts and short sleeves will be required.

Just wondering whether to go for 4 days out of 4 and get 120 miles...:smile:


New Member
If you haven't got a good reason not to, then go for a full house! Don't get this sort of weather much (well certainly not in Scotland!!).

shorts and short sleeved jersey did me fine this morning, even at 7am!


gambatte said:
Just checked the met office, looks like no rain, low winds and good temperatures.

Looks like shorts and short sleeves will be required.

Just wondering whether to go for 4 days out of 4 and get 120 miles...:smile:

I was just thinking the same thing
haven't got any squash games planned, so i'm thinking i might aim for 4/4 too...

edit: ah no bollocks i'm getting the new bike rack delivered to work. So that's 3/4 max.

still 150 miles tho


New Member
70 degrees is going to be a bit hot for me.


I say go for it!
I'm loving it. Not much sun round these parts most of the time. I've managed to do loads of washing today and dry it on the line. Whoo hoo!


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
The summer shorts have been brought out for my Tues - Friday commutes !

May be a bit nippy at 6am, but by hometime they'll be just the very thing.

(Now - off to repair another hole in the crappy Kenda tyres where the inner-tube's poking through like a bad hernia. Bloody UK postal service - the new tyres I ordered were dispatched from down South last Monday and they're still not here. I guess they're keeping up their 7-day, first-class record for getting about 6 miles across Edinburgh with my birthday cards back in March :tongue: )


Cycling in Scotland
goo_mason said:
Now - off to repair another hole in the crappy Kenda tyres where the inner-tube's poking through like a bad hernia. Bloody UK postal service - the new tyres I ordered were dispatched from down South last Monday and they're still not here.

That is why you should support your LBS, I got my new tyres in less than 5 minutes... must get round to fitting them sometime:blush:

Gloriously sunny day here, nipped out and did just under 30 miles in just under 2 hours:thumbsup:


Let's hope so, gambatte. About time we had some decent weather. That said, it was positively balmy today (Bank Hol Monday).


Should be great - unfortunately I am going to be in another country for 10 days from Wednesday, without my bike. I will have to see if I can get hold of one... otherwise it's just running for me, and my knees won't like that...


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Hairy Jock said:
That is why you should support your LBS, I got my new tyres in less than 5 minutes... must get round to fitting them sometime:blush:

Gloriously sunny day here, nipped out and did just under 30 miles in just under 2 hours:thumbsup:

If my LBS were as cheap as the web, I'd be laughing. But I don't have a LBS - there's a bike shop on Leith Walk, but they're very small and have very, very limited stock. The EBC is a slow bus ride on a Sunday with wee one in tow ( can't cycle there as she refuses to get on a bike and learn), so sometimes the web is easier. However, there is always the stunningly inefficient postal service to throw the odd spanner in the works :tongue:


I bought two tarty red Lugano 23s in the LBS on a whim on Sat, very pleased at £13 a piece, seen them since online at £6.99 but what the hell, if i can afford it and the price is fair I like the LBS, chat with the blokes, poke around the shop

I'd like to think I'm supporting them and they do draw the long bow about online retailers but I suspect they do very well selling and servicing mtbs for novices that do Epping Forest at the weekend, they have some seriously pricey kit in there for that sort of thing
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