England : Bedfordshire Luton Slightly Hilly House Warming Cake ride - Sat. 12th January 2013

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Riding a folding bike far too much of the time...
Working Nights this weekend so sadly can't join you but you maybe interested to know the temperature at 5am is 4 degrees and still dry!

If my timings work out I will say hello to HPC posse as I pass through on my way to bed?

Have fun peeps.


Dog on a bike
Well I'm up. It doesn't seem to be raining so off to Luton I shall go


Silencing his legs regularly
At the station- missed my intended train but should still be at Parkway in time, National Rail's planner doesn't allow for riding between stations. Will update at St Pancras.


Dry and not at all chilly further north in Northampton. But, as I indicated earlier, I'm off to the football at Chesterfield.

Have a good ride, everyone! And get that house properly warmed!
Flying Dodo

Flying Dodo

It'll soon be summer
If I let you know twice does that mean I get double helpings??? :hungry: :laugh:

Actually Im not entirely convinced that tomorrow's ride is going to be a sensible thing for me to do. I was out in 4 degrees today and Im not sure I'll enjoy cycling in anything lower than that no matter how fab the company, route and lunch is.

So as I am here at the keyboard I will take the opportunity, somewhat reluctantly, to pull out of this ride - and so please cancel my food order(s)! Such a shame but the more I think about it, it's just too cold to be out on the bike other than a local pootle. Much irritations and big thanks for setting it up and please, please, please do an action reply (without the bad weather) another time.

Mice :hello:

Oh well. :sad:
Flying Dodo

Flying Dodo

It'll soon be summer
In the last 30 minutes, there's been some light snow falling here on the hill outside Luton, although it's dying away to a few flurries. Too warm to settle on the roads, so we're still going!

Do winter miles count as double?


Dog on a bike
Good on you, TallMart - I have been out this morning and, as Sgt Bob says, it is cold, wet and thoroughly unpleasant...that numbing coldness, hard to shake off...a hipf of cognac may allay the pain in the fingertips. Good luck all.
Ah. Unfortunately, bike prepped, me dressed and heavy rain started. I think, judging by the BBC, that it's largely south of the river. However I'm afraid a text was sent and I went back to bed. Hope everyone has a good ride, it didn't feel as cold as I was expecting


Do winter miles count as double?

They definitely do! By the time you've factored in the cold and all the various sorts of precipitation, they probably count quintuple.

As a wise man once said, "The person who enjoys cycling in the rain gets twice as much enjoyment out of life as the person who only enjoys cycling in the dry."

Same applies to football: lower leagues, terracing, standing, rain ... I thought following the Cobblers at Accrington Stanley was worth quintuple points compared to going to a home match.

Chesterfield - new stadium, good seats, glass windbreaks at each end of the stands - will be complete luxury.

Enjoy the ride!
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