Man injures brain in swerve to avoid dog

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Let's hope his injuries are not too serious. 100 miles per week at 75!! There's something to encourage us oldies! And this incident could be used to say something about the h*lm*t debate? Perhaps better not...

As far as dogs are concerned, I think our old friend the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 might come to our aid here. Isn't there something about "allowing a dog to be dangerously out of control" - wherever it happens to be? Nothing about being on or off a lead: just 'out of control'. So: whether it's on a lead or not is immaterial (remember those awful expanding leads...).


Nr Cambridge
Crankarm said:
Well on my ride on saturday, on the return stretch, going down hill at a nonchalant 22-23 mph through Alconbury, I rounded a bend only to be confronted with one of those long extendable dog leads across the road and two dogs on either end. In the middle of the road (quietish B road) was a white handbag scotty dog in the middle of the road, the sort of feckin' dog you see on birthday cards, but wearing a tartan jacket, that old people like to send to each other. Incidentally it was also the exact same type of mutt that badly bit me when I was a kid. On the other end of the lead was it's owner, a stupid blue rinse middle aged lardy woman. The lead was one of those extending jobs. So I shouted frantically while braking trying to avoid being catapulted over the bars "Pull that bloody dog off the road NOW!" Well the return spring on that lead must have been pretty strong and powerful as the feckin' mutt was suddenly ranked off the road and back onto the pavement. It would have been quite comical had I not been scared of being unceremoniously unseated by the lead or dog itself. Then followed a loud tirade of expletives from the lardy woman. But I was gone.

WTF did she think she was doing? Letting her mutt on an extendable lead stray onto the middle of the road, she on the pavement and the mutt trotting down the centre white line with the lead joining them both ;)? A totally clueless air head :wacko:.

It's easy getting old, but the trouble is actually living to a grand old age. Hope the guy makes a full recovery. I bet the dog and it's owner are now nowhere to be seen :biggrin:.
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