Matt White has been dismissed

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Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
from the Garmin Cervelo team for sending Trent Lowe to see a Doctor in April 2009 without clearing it with the team management. It seems a bit harsh as there was no suggestion of anything untoward taking place as he was only checking out his VO2 max. But as they say rules are rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



The simple fact is that almost every problem that exists in professional cycling today stems, ironically, from a lack of professionalism. That is, the same whimsical, woolly attitude that confuses contracts with gentlemen's agreements, preparation with doping, black and white with shades of gray, and rules with optional guidelines.


That's a really interesting opinion piece. Much food for thought. I'd seen the article on CyclingNews but it didn't catch my interest tbh so thanks for posting the link and quote raindog.

Slightly aside, I do like golfer Padraig Harrington's response to the punishment for his seemingly trivial offence....

"The rule is there for other and bigger reasons and we love the fact that we have the best game in the world when it comes to the rules. It's an absolute game of honour and even if a player is seen to breach rules and can't be caught out by the officials he would be ostracised and have a very lonely life on the Tour. It gives us the higher ground, let's say."

Many sportsmen (of all codes) could reflect on the respect being shown there.


pre-talced and mighty
damn right. Whether we like it or not, golf looks like a fair play paradise compared to most sports. They've even got drug testing - although what for I cannot imagine.

Shame about trousers, though...
Keith Oates

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
It seems to be another case of a cyclist and his 'advisor' not getting their own way so they don't care who they hurt in an attempt to pressurise the employer to pay them the disputed money. Another case of a rider with the morals of an 'ally cat'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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